A Leiningen plugin to generate sql fixtures from your production database.
Put that into the :plugins
vector of your :user
lein fixtures-sql
This plugin will run automatically based on a supplied properties file. You can specify this like so:
lein fixtures-sql --config fixtures-sql.properties
By default it will try to load resources/fixtures-sql.properties or test-resources/fixtures-sql.properties.
This properties file should contain the connection details for read-only users of your target databases. (i.e. development or production) The sql fixtures generated by this plugin can then be applied when testing your project. The format of the properties file is as follows:
fixtures.myprojectdb.db.classname = org.postgresql.Driver
fixtures.myprojectdb.db.subprotocol = postgresql
fixtures.myprojectdb.db.subname = //test.google.com:3000/myproject_dev
fixtures.myprojectdb.db.user = userone
fixtures.myprojectdb.db.password = mysecurepassword
fixtures.myprojectdb.db.role = myproject_dev_ro
fixtures.myprojectdb.tables = some_lookup_table,some_other_lookup_table
fixtures.myprojectdb.root = test-resources/fixtures/myprojectdb
postgres.pg-dump-path = /usr/local/bin/pg_dump
postgres.opts-dump-schema = --clean --no-owner --no-privileges --schema-only
postgres.opts-dump-table = --data-only
This will use pg_dump to generate the following files:
Copyright © 2015 sc13-bioinf
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.