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Scalariform is a code formatter for Scala. It's available as a library, a stand-alone command line tool, or via integrations with various editors and build tools (listed below).

The plan is to add preferences and features as and when people ask for them, so please do raise a Github issue if it doesn't format your code the way you'd like it, and I'll see what I can do.

Scalariform is licenced under The MIT Licence.

Installing with Homebrew (for OS X users)

Mac OS X users can install the scalariform CLI tool using the Homebrew package manager.

brew install scalariform

Or, if you would like to install the latest development release:

brew install --HEAD scalariform

Packaging an executable JAR

If you would like to package scalariform for use on the command line with java -jar, clone the repo and perform the following simple steps:

sbt "project cli" "assembly"

sbt will build one jar with all the dependencies and put it in


You can copy this to a location in your path and execute it as follows:

java -jar /home/me/bin/cli-assembly-$scalariform_version.jar -f -q +compactControlReadability +alignParameters +alignSingleLineCaseStatements +doubleIndentConstructorArguments +rewriteArrowSymbols +preserveSpaceBeforeArguments --stdout ~/myproject/src/main/scala/Stuff.scala > Stuff.scala

Integration with sbt

A plugin for SBT is available at

Usage within a project

Have a use for the scalariform source code directly? You can use it as a build dependency:

"org.scalariform" %% "scalariform" % "0.2.10"

Integration with Eclipse

Scala IDE for Eclipse uses Scalariform for code formatting:

  • Right click in the editor -> Source -> Format
  • Press Ctrl-Shift-F

If you select some lines, only those will be formatted.

You can also configure formatting to be run as a save action (Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Editor -> Save Actions).

To set preferences, go to either

  • Window -> Preferences -> Scala -> Editor -> Formatter
  • Project -> Properties -> Scala Formatter

From the formatter preference window you can import/export existing preferences. See the reference.conf for a listing of all available preferences and their defaults.

Integration with Emacs/ENSIME

"ENSIME uses the Scalariform library to format Scala sources. Type C-c C-v f to format the current buffer."

Integration with jEdit

See ScalaSidekick by Stefan Ettrup:

Run Plugins -> scalaSidekickPlugin -> Format Scala File

Integration with Maven

There is scalariform-maven-plugin compatible with Scalariform 0.2.x.

Integration with Gradle

There is a Gradle plugin to run Scalariform contributed by Jeroen van Erp.

Usage (Gradle 2.1 and above):

plugins {
  id "com.github.hierynomus.scalariform" version "0.1.0"

// optionally, configure Scalariform settings
scalariform {
  alignParameters = true
  alignSingleLineCaseStatements = true


See the documentation for further usage examples.

Integration with TextMate

See Mads Jensen's Scala TextMate bundle:

Reformat using Ctrl-Shift-H.

Use with Vim

While there is no specific Vim integration at present, you can use Scalariform as an external formatter for the gg=G command by adding the following to .vimrc

au BufEnter *.scala setl formatprg=java\ -jar\ /home/me/bin/scalariform.jar\ -f\ -q\ +compactControlReadability\ +alignParameters\ +alignSingleLineCaseStatements\ +doubleIndentConstructorArguments\ +rewriteArrowSymbols\ +preserveSpaceBeforeArguments\ --stdin\ --stdout
au BufEnter *.scala setl equalprg=java\ -jar\ /home/me/bin/scalariform.jar\ -f\ -q\ +compactControlReadability\ +alignParameters\ +alignSingleLineCaseStatements\ +doubleIndentConstructorArguments\ +rewriteArrowSymbols\ +preserveSpaceBeforeArguments\ --stdin\ --stdout

Download scalariform.jar from the latest release

Command line tool




Default: false

Aligns multi-line arguments

For example, if false, then:

Cake(candles = 10,
  frostingFlavor = Vanilla,
  layerFlavor = Chocolate,
  iceCream = true

If true, then:

Cake(candles        = 10,
     frostingFlavor = Vanilla,
     layerFlavor    = Chocolate,
     iceCream       = true

This option is disabled if indentWithTabs is true.


Default: false

Align class/function parameters (modifiers and name, type, and defaults) in three columns.

For example, if false, then:

class Person(name: String,
  age: Int = 24,
  birthdate: Date,
  astrologicalSign: String = "libra",
  shoeSize: Int,
  favoriteColor: java.awt.Color

If true, then:

class Person(name:             String,
             age:              Int            = 24,
             birthdate:        Date,
             astrologicalSign: String         = "libra",
             shoeSize:         Int,
             favoriteColor:    java.awt.Color

This will also place the "implicit" keyword in parameters on its own line, whenever the parameter being formatted contains a newline:

For example, if false, then:

def formatBirthDate(
  implicit birthdate: Date = Date("11/11/11"),
  birthtime: Time
): DateTime

If true, then:

def formatBirthDate(
  birthdate: Date = Date("11/11/11"),
  birthtime: Time
): DateTime

This option is disabled if indentWithTabs is true.


Default: false

Align the arrows of consecutive single-line case statements. For example, if true, then:

a match {
  case b => 1
  case ccc => 2
  case dd => 3

Is reformatted as:

a match {
  case b   => 1
  case ccc => 2
  case dd  => 3

This option is disabled if indentWithTabs is true.


Default: 40

When alignSingleLineCaseStatements is true there is a limit on the number of spaces that can be inserted before an arrow to align it with other case statements. This can be used to avoid very large gaps, e.g.:

a match {
  case Some(wibble, wobble) if wibble + wibble > wobble * wibble => 1
  case ccc                                                       => 2


Default: false

When allowParamGroupsOnNewlines is true the default behavior of collapsing param groups into a single line is disabled. This allows for the following formatting style:

def foo[T]
  (a: A)
  (b: B)
  (implicit t: T)


Default: false

When compactControlReadability is true, then if/else and try/catch/finally control structures will be formatted using Compact Control Readability style

if (x == y) {
else if (y == z) {
else {

try {
catch {
  case _ => bar()
finally {


Default: false

Omit spaces when formatting a '+' operator on String literals. For example, if false, then:

"Hello " + name + "!"

If true, then:

"Hello "+name+"!"

The Scala Style Guide recommends that operators, "should always be invoked using infix notation with spaces separated the target".


Default: Prevent

If Force, any closing parentheses will be set to dangle. For example:

  contents: List[Thing])


  contents: List[Thing]

If Prevent, all dangling parenthesis are collapsed. For example:

  contents: List[Thing]


  contents: List[Thing])

If Preserve, scalariform will try to match what unformatted source code is already doing per parenthesis, either forcing or preventing.

~~doubleIndentClassDeclaration~~ (Deprecated, use doubleIndentConstructorArguments)

Default: false

With this set to true and doubleIndentConstructorArguments set to false, class (and trait / object) declarations that span multiple lines will be formatted so that the inheritance section is doubly indented. This provides a visual distinction from the members of the class. For example:

class Person(
  name: String,
  age: Int,
  birthdate: Date,
  astrologicalSign: String,
  shoeSize: Int,
  favoriteColor: java.awt.Color)
    extends Entity
    with Logging
    with Identifiable
    with Serializable {
  def firstMethod = ...

Note: doubleIndentConstructorArguments style formatting is recommended by the Scala Style Guide.


Default: false

With this set to true, class (and trait / object) declarations will be formatted as recommended by the Scala Style Guide. That is, if the declaration section spans multiple lines, it will be formatted so that the parameter section is doubly indented. This provides a visual distinction between the constructor arguments & the extensions. For example:

class Person(
    name: String,
    age: Int,
    birthdate: Date,
    astrologicalSign: String,
    shoeSize: Int,
    favoriteColor: java.awt.Color)
  extends Entity
  with Logging
  with Identifiable
  with Serializable {


class Person(
    name: String,
    age: Int,
    birthdate: Date,
    astrologicalSign: String,
    shoeSize: Int,
    favoriteColor: java.awt.Color) {
  def firstMethod = ...


Default: false

With this set to true, method declarations will have an extra indentation added to their parameter list, if it spans multiple lines. This provides a visual distinction from the method body. For example:

def longMethodNameIsLong(paramOneNameIsLong: String, paramTwo: String,
    paramThreeNameIsReallyLong): Unit = {
  val startOfMethod = ...


def longMethodNameIsLong(
    paramOneNameIsLong: String,
    paramTwoNameIsLong: String,
    paramThreeNameIsLong): Unit = {
  val startOfMethod = ...


Default: Force

Whether or not to place the first argument of multi-line function calls on its own line.

If Force, first arguments will be on a new line:



If Prevent, first arguments will be on function call line:



If Preserve, first arguments will stay where they are:




Default: Force

Whether or not to place the first parameter for multi-line method or constructor definition on its own line.

If Force, first parameters will be on a new line:

abstract class Person(
  name: Int,
  age: String
) {
  def livesIn(
    city: String,
    state: String
  ): Boolean

If Prevent, first parameters will be on the definition line:

abstract class Person(name: Int,
  age: String
) {
  def livesIn(city: String,
    state: String
  ): Boolean

If Preserve, first parameters will stay where they are:

abstract class Person(name: Int,
  age: String
) {
  def livesIn(
    city: String,
    state: String
  ): Boolean


Default: true

Format embedded XML literals; if false they will be left untouched.


Default: false

If true, indent local methods an extra level, with the intention of distinguishing them from other statements. For example,:

class A {
  def find(...) = {
    val x = ...
      def find0() = {


Default: true

Whether to indent package blocks. For example, if true:

package foo {
  package bar {
    class Baz

Else if false:

package foo {
package bar {
class Baz


Default: 2

The number of spaces to use for each level of indentation.

This option is ignored if indentWithTabs is true.


Default: false

Use a tab for each level of indentation. When set to true, this ignores any setting given for indentSpaces. In addition, for the moment, alignSingleLineCaseStatements, alignArguments, and alignParameters options are not supported when indenting with tabs, and XML indentation is handled differently.


Default: false

If true, start a multi-line Scaladoc comment body on same line as the opening comment delimiter:

/** This method applies f to each
 *  element of the given list.

If false, start the comment body on a separate line below the opening delimiter:

 * This method applies f to each
 * element of the given list.


Default: false

If true, newlines will be added at the end of all formatted files.


Default: false

If true, Scaladoc asterisks will be placed beneath the second asterisk:

/** Wibble
  * wobble
class A

Otherwise, if false, beneath the first asterisk:

/** Wibble
 *  wobble
class A


Default: false

If true, the formatter will keep an existing space before a parenthesis argument. For example:

stack.pop() should equal (2)

Otherwise, if false, spaces before arguments will always be removed.


Default: false

Replace arrow tokens uniformly, either as Unicode symbols or as ASCII, depending on the setting of useUnicodeArrows. Starting from Scala 2.13, unicode arrows are deprecated.

For example, if useUnicodeArrows == true:

for (n <- 1 to 10) n % 2 match {
  case 0 => println("even")
  case 1 => println("odd")

is formatted as:

for (n  1 to 10) n % 2 match {
  case 0  println("even")
  case 1  println("odd")


Default: true

When singleCasePatternOnNewline is false the default behavior of forcing a single case pattern onto a newline is disabled. This allows for the following formatting style: { case (key, value) =>
  (key, transform(value))


Default: false

Whether to ensure a space before all single colons. For example, if false, then:

def add[T: Numeric](a: T, b: T): Int = implictly[Numeric[T]].plus(a, b)

If true, then:

def add[T : Numeric](a : T, b : T): Int = implictly[Numeric[T]].plus(a, b)


Default: false

Whether to ensure a space before colons in context bounds (the typeclass pattern). For example, if false, then:

def newArray[T: ClassManifest](n: Int) = new Array[T](n)

If true, then:

def newArray[T : ClassManifest](n: Int) = new Array[T](n)


Default: false

Whether to use a space inside type brackets. For example, if true, then:

Array[ String ]

If false, then:



Default: false

Whether to use a space inside non-empty parentheses. For example, if true, then:

def main( args : Array[String] )

If false, then:

def main(args : Array[String])


Default: true

Whether or not to add spaces around multi-imports. For example, if false, then:

import a.{b,c,d}
import foo.{bar => baz}

If true, then:

import a.{ b, c, d }
import foo.{ bar => baz }

Compatibility note: Versions 0.1.6 & 0.1.7 of Scalariform used false.


Default: true

Whether to add a space around the @ token in pattern binders. For example, if true,:

case elem @ Multi(values @ _*) =>

If false,:

case elem@Multi(values@_*) =>


Default: true

Controls the replacement of arrows if rewriteArrowSymbols == true. To use unicode arrows in your codebase set to true, otherwise, set to false. For example, if useUnicodeArrows == false (and rewriteArrowSymbols == true):

for (n  1 to 10) n % 2 match {
  case 0  println("even")
  case 1  println("odd")

is formatted as:

for (n <- 1 to 10) n % 2 match {
  case 0 => println("even")
  case 1 => println("odd")

Scala Style Guide

Scalariform is compatible with the Scala Style Guide in the sense that, given the right preference settings, source code that is initially compliant with the Style Guide will not become uncompliant after formatting. In a number of cases, running the formatter will make uncompliant source more compliant.

Preference Value Default?
alignParameters false  
compactStringConcatenation false  
doubleIndentConstructorArguments true No
indentSpaces 2  
placeScaladocAsterisksBeneathSecondAsterisk true No
preserveSpaceBeforeArguments false  
rewriteArrowSymbols false  
spaceBeforeColon false  
spaceInsideBrackets false  
spaceInsideParentheses false  
spacesAroundMultiImports false  
useUnicodeArrows true  

Source Directives

As well as global preferences, formatting can be tweaked at the source level through comments.

format: [ON|OFF]

Disables the formatter for selective portions of a source file:

// format: OFF    <-- this directive disables formatting from this point
class AsciiDSL {
  n ¦- "1" -+ { n: Node =>
          n ¦- "i"
          n ¦- "ii"
          n ¦- "iii"
          n ¦- "iv"
          n ¦- "v"
  n ¦- "2"
  n ¦- "3" -+ { n: Node =>
          n ¦- "i"
          n ¦- "ii" -+ { n: Node =>
                   n ¦- "a"
                   n ¦- "b"
                   n ¦- "c"
          n ¦- "iii"
          n ¦- "iv"
          n ¦- "v"
  // format: ON   <-- formatter resumes from this point
// (see:

format: [+|-]<preferenceName>

Sets a preference for the entirety of the source file, overriding the global formatting settings:

// format: +preserveSpaceBeforeArguments
class StackSpec extends FlatSpec with ShouldMatchers {
  // ...
  stack.pop() should equal (2)