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Terraform / Scaleway


This repository is used to manage VPCs on scaleway using terraform.


module "my_network" {
  source  = "scaleway-terraform-modules/vpc/scaleway"


Name Version
terraform >= 0.13
scaleway >= 2.41.0


Name Type
scaleway_ipam_ip.this resource
scaleway_vpc.this resource
scaleway_vpc_gateway_network.this resource
scaleway_vpc_private_network.this resource
scaleway_vpc_public_gateway.this resource
scaleway_vpc_public_gateway_ip.this resource


Name Description Type Default Required
bastion_enabled Enable SSH bastion on gateways. bool false no
bastion_port Port on which SSH bastions will listen. number 61000 no
dns_servers Override the gateway's default recursive DNS servers. list(string) null no
enable_routing Enable routing between Private Networks in the VPC. Note that you will not be able to deactivate it afterwards. bool false no
gw_enabled Create a public gateway and attach it to the subnet. bool true no
gw_reserve_ip Reserve a flexible IP for the gateway. bool true no
gw_type Gateway type. Can be VPC-GW-S or VPC-GW-M string "VPC-GW-S" no
ipv4_subnet IPv4 subnet to associate with the private network. If null, a free /22 will be used. string null no
ipv6_subnet IPv6 subnet to associate with the private network. If null, a free /64 will be used. string null no
masquerade_enabled Enable masquerade on these networks. bool true no
name Name of the private network & gateway. If not provided it will be randomly generated. string null no
project_id ID of the project in which ressources should be created. Defaults to provider project. string null no
region Zone in which ressources should be created. Defaults to provider region. string null no
smtp_enabled Enable SMTP on gateways. bool false no
tags Tags associated with ressources. list(string) [] no
zone Zone in which ressources should be created. Defaults to provider zone. string null no


Name Description
gw_flexible_ip_address Address of gateway flexible IP.
gw_flexible_ip_id ID of gateway flexible IP.
gw_id ID of public gateways.
ip4_cidr CIDR of the IPv4 subnet associated to the Private Network.
ip6_cidr CIDR of the IPv6 subnet associated to the Private Network.
pn_id ID of private networks.
vpc_id ID of the VPC.


Module is maintained with help from the community.


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