The course was designed for the Generation Thailand JSD Program. It is a one-week course for the students to learn the basic of Node.js and Express.js.
- Clone this repository to your local machine.
git clone
- Checkout a new branch to work on, to avoid the conflict with the new workshop update. (You may use other branch name you prefer.)
cd nodejs-basic-course
git checkout -b exercise-work
Check the slide if available for the exercise, then try to work on the code in the exercise folder.
Commit once you are done to save the changes. Check the solution to compare the result.
- Node-0: Node.js Introduction
- Node-1: NodeJS Read & Write File for exercise 01-01
- Node-2: NodeJS Arguments for exercise 01-02 & 01-03
- Express-1: Express.js Introduction for exercise 03-01
- Express-2: Basic Router for exercise 03-02 & 03-03
- Express-3: Middleware for exercise 03-06
- AUTH-1: Encryption & Hashing
- AUTH-2: Intro to Express.js Authentication for exercise 06-01 & 06-02
- AUTH-3: JWT & Protected Routes for exercise 06-03 & 06-04
- Ensure we are at the working branch ex.
. And no uncommitted changes.
git status
Expected result:
On branch exercise-work
nothing to commit, working tree clean
- If the branch is not clean, commit all existing uncommitted changes first.
git add .
git commit -m "Day 1's work"
- Checkout main branch.
git checkout main
- Pull the new changes
git pull
- Switch back to working branch (can be other branch name you used).
git checkout exercise-work
- Merge the new change to the
git merge main
Fork this repository to your own account.
Check the remote repository.
git remote -v
Expected result:
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
- Add your own repository as a remote repository.
git remote add myrepo YOUR_GITHUB_REPO_URL
For example:
git remote add myrepo
- Push the working branch to your own repository.
git push myrepo exercise-work