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Scanpay .NET client

The official .NET client library for the Scanpay API (docs). You can always e-mail us at, or chat with us on our IRC server: (webchat).


The library is uploaded to nuget. You can install it in several ways:

Install from the Package Manager:

PM>  Install-Package scanpay

Install from .NET CLI

dotnet add package scanpay

Install from within Visual Studio:

  1. Open the Solution Explorer.
  2. Right-click on a project within your solution.
  3. Click on Manage NuGet Packages...
  4. Click on the Browse tab and search for "scanpay".
  5. Click on the scanpay package, select the appropriate version in the right tab and click Install.


Define a Scanpay client:

var apikey = "1089:bx2a4DATi8ad87Nm4uaxg5nggYA8J/Hv99CON977YiEdvYa6DmMwdoRPoYWyBJSi";
var client = new Scanpay.Client(apikey);

The Scanpay API requires TLS 1.2 support. If you do not use the latest .NET version, you may have to explicitly enable TLS 1.2 by adding the following to your main function:

ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol |= SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;

If SecurityProtocolType.Tls12 is undefined in your .NET version, you can attempt the following:

ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol |= (SecurityProtocolType)3072;;

Payment Link

string newURL(NewURLReq reqdata, Options opts=null)

Create a payment link to which you can redirect customers.

var client = new Scanpay.Client(" APIKEY ");
var data = new Scanpay.NewURLReq
    orderid = "999",
    language    = "",
    autocapture = false,
    lifetime    = "1h",
    items = new Scanpay.Item[]
        new Scanpay.Item
            name     = "Ultra Bike 7000",
            total    = "1337.01 DKK",
            quantity = 2,
    billing = new Scanpay.Billing
        name    = "Hans Jensen",
        company = "HJ Planteskole ApS",
        vatin   = "DK12345678",
        gln     = "",
        email   = "",
        phone   = "+45 12345678",
        address = new string[]
            "Grønnegade 5, st. th",
            "C/O Hans Jensen",
        city    = "Børum",
        zip     = "1234",
        country = "DK",
    shipping = new Scanpay.Shipping
        name    = "John Hanson",
        company = "HJ Planteskole ApS",
        email   = "",
        phone   = "+45 12345679",
        address = new string[]
            "Gryngade 90",
            "C/O John Hanson",
        city    = "Ørum",
        zip     = "1235",
        country = "DK",
var url = client.newURL(data);
Console.WriteLine("Payment URL is " + url);


To know when transactions, charges, subscribers and subscriber renewal succeeds, you need to use the synchronization API. It consists of pings which notify you of changes and the seq request which allows you to pull changes.

Ping handlePing(byte[] body, string signature, Options opts=null)

When changes happen, a ping request will be sent to the ping URL specified in the Scanpay dashboard. Use HandlePing to parse the ping request:

var client = new Scanpay.Client(" APIKEY ");
var ping = client.handlePing(body, request.Headers["X-Signature"]);
Console.WriteLine("Ping seq=" + ping.seq + ", shopid=" + ping.shopid);

SeqRes seq(ulong seqnum, Options opts=null)

To pull changes since last update, use the Seq() call after receiving a ping. Store the returned seq-value in a database and use it for the next Seq() call.

var client = new Scanpay.Client(" APIKEY ");
var pingSeq = (ulong)100;
var mySeq = (ulong)3;
while (mySeq < pingSeq) {
    Scanpay.SeqRes seqRes = null;
    try {
        seqRes = client.seq(mySeq);
    catch (Exception e)
        Console.WriteLine("Seq exception:" + e.ToString());
    foreach(var change in seqRes.changes)
        // Update your database with change...
    mySeq = seqRes.seq;
    if (seqRes.changes.Length == 0) {
Console.WriteLine("New seq is " + mySeq);

Transaction Actions

CaptureRes capture(ulong trnid, CaptureReq reqdata, Options opts=null)

Use Capture to capture a transaction.

var client = new Scanpay.Client(" APIKEY ");
ulong transactionId = 522;
var data = new Scanpay.CaptureReq
    total = "1 DKK",
    index = 0,
client.capture(transactionId, data);


Create a subscriber by using NewURL with a Subscriber parameter.

var client = new Scanpay.Client(" APIKEY ");
var data = new Scanpay.NewURLReq
    successurl  = "",
    subscriber = new Scanpay.Subscriber
        @ref = "sub1234",
var url = client.newURL(data, opts);
Console.WriteLine("Subscription URL is: " + url);

ChargeRes charge(ulong subid, ChargeReq reqdata, Options opts=null)

Use Charge to charge a subscriber. The subscriber id is obtained with seq.

var client = new Scanpay.Client(" APIKEY ");
ulong subscriberid = 5;
var data = new Scanpay.ChargeReq
    orderid     = "999",
    items = new Scanpay.Item[]
        new Scanpay.Item
            name     = "Ultra Bike 7000",
            total    = "1337.01 DKK",
            quantity = 2,
            sku      = "ff123",
res = client.charge(subscriberid, data);
Console.WriteLine("Charge succeded:");
Console.WriteLine("id = {0}",;
Console.WriteLine("authorized = {0}", res.totals.authorized);

string renew(ulong subid, RenewReq reqdata, Options opts=null)

Use Renew to renew a subscriber, i.e. to attach a new card, if it has expired.

var client = new Scanpay.Client(" APIKEY ");
ulong subscriberid = 5;
var data = new Scanpay.RenewReq
    successurl = "",
    language   = "da",
    lifetime   = "1h",
var url = client.renew(subscriberid, data);
Console.WriteLine("Subscriber renew URL is: " + url);


See the tests/ folder for more examples. If you want an account on the test environment, please do not hesitate to contact us.