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Upgrade lucide package and include new icons. Change component templa…
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scarhand committed Jun 1, 2022
1 parent 5f7234e commit 9e3bc0b
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Showing 799 changed files with 18,098 additions and 2,497 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions generate.rb
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Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ def capitalize(str)
def generate(icon)
content = <<-BODY.chomp
import { Component, Element, h, Host, Prop } from '@stencil/core';
import { #{capitalize(icon)}, createElement } from 'lucide';
import { #{capitalize(icon)} as Lucide#{capitalize(icon)}, createElement } from 'lucide';
import { attributesToObject } from '../utils/utils';
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ def generate(icon)
@Prop({ attribute: 'y' }) y: any;
render() {
const inner = createElement(#{capitalize(icon)});
const inner = createElement(Lucide#{capitalize(icon)});
Object.entries(Object.assign({},attributesToObject(this.el), this.getProps())).forEach(([name,value]) => inner.setAttribute(name, value as string) );
return <Host innerHTML={inner.outerHTML} class="st-lucide-icon"></Host>;
Expand All @@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ def generate(icon)

icons = %W(accessibility activity airplay alarm-check alarm-clock-off alarm-clock alarm-minus alarm-plus album alert-circle alert-octagon alert-triangle align-center-horizontal align-center-vertical align-center align-end-horizontal align-end-vertical align-horizontal-distribute-center align-horizontal-distribute-end align-horizontal-distribute-start align-horizontal-justify-center align-horizontal-justify-end align-horizontal-justify-start align-horizontal-space-around align-horizontal-space-between align-justify align-left align-right align-start-horizontal align-start-vertical align-vertical-distribute-center align-vertical-distribute-end align-vertical-distribute-start align-vertical-justify-center align-vertical-justify-end align-vertical-justify-start align-vertical-space-around align-vertical-space-between anchor aperture archive arrow-big-down arrow-big-left arrow-big-right arrow-big-up arrow-down-circle arrow-down-left arrow-down-right arrow-down arrow-left-circle arrow-left-right arrow-left arrow-right-circle arrow-right arrow-up-circle arrow-up-left arrow-up-right arrow-up asterisk at-sign award axe banknote bar-chart-2 bar-chart baseline battery-charging battery-full battery-low battery-medium battery beaker bell-minus bell-off bell-plus bell-ring bell bike binary bitcoin bluetooth-connected bluetooth-off bluetooth-searching bluetooth bold book-open book bookmark-minus bookmark-plus bookmark bot box-select box briefcase brush bug building-2 building bus calculator calendar camera-off camera car carrot cast check-circle-2 check-circle check-square check chevron-down chevron-first chevron-last chevron-left chevron-right chevron-up chevrons-down-up chevrons-down chevrons-left-right chevrons-left chevrons-right-left chevrons-right chevrons-up-down chevrons-up chrome circle-slashed circle clipboard-check clipboard-copy clipboard-list clipboard-x clipboard clock-1 clock-10 clock-11 clock-12 clock-2 clock-3 clock-4 clock-5 clock-6 clock-7 clock-8 clock-9 clock cloud-drizzle cloud-fog cloud-hail cloud-lightning cloud-moon cloud-off cloud-rain-wind cloud-rain cloud-snow cloud-sun cloud cloudy clover code-2 code codepen codesandbox coffee coins columns command compass contact contrast cookie copy copyleft copyright corner-down-left corner-down-right corner-left-down corner-left-up corner-right-down corner-right-up corner-up-left corner-up-right cpu credit-card crop cross crosshair crown currency database delete dice-1 dice-2 dice-3 dice-4 dice-5 dice-6 disc divide-circle divide-square divide dollar-sign download-cloud download dribbble droplet droplets drumstick edit-2 edit-3 edit egg equal-not equal eraser euro expand external-link eye-off eye facebook fast-forward feather figma file-check-2 file-check file-code file-digit file-input file-minus-2 file-minus file-output file-plus-2 file-plus file-search file-text file-x-2 file-x file files film filter flag-off flag-triangle-left flag-triangle-right flag flame flashlight-off flashlight flask-conical flask-round folder-minus folder-open folder-plus folder form-input forward frame framer frown function-square gamepad-2 gamepad gauge gavel gem ghost gift git-branch-plus git-branch git-commit git-fork git-merge git-pull-request github gitlab glasses globe-2 globe grab graduation-cap grid grip-horizontal grip-vertical hammer hand-metal hand hard-drive hard-hat hash haze headphones heart-off heart help-circle hexagon highlighter history home hourglass image-minus image-off image-plus image import inbox indent indian-rupee infinity info inspect instagram italic japanese-yen key keyboard landmark languages laptop-2 laptop lasso-select lasso layers layout-dashboard layout-grid layout-list layout-template layout library life-buoy lightbulb-off lightbulb link-2-off link-2 link linkedin list-checks list-minus list-ordered list-plus list-x list loader-2 loader locate-fixed locate-off locate lock log-in log-out mail map-pin map maximize-2 maximize megaphone meh menu message-circle message-square mic-off mic milestone minimize-2 minimize minus-circle minus-square minus monitor-off monitor-speaker monitor moon more-horizontal more-vertical mountain-snow mountain mouse-pointer-2 mouse-pointer-click mouse-pointer mouse move-diagonal-2 move-diagonal move-horizontal move-vertical move music navigation-2 navigation network octagon option outdent package-check package-minus package-plus package-search package-x package palette palmtree paperclip pause-circle pause-octagon pause pen-tool pencil percent person-standing phone-call phone-forwarded phone-incoming phone-missed phone-off phone-outgoing phone pie-chart piggy-bank pin pipette plane play-circle play plug-zap plus-circle plus-square plus pocket podcast pointer pound-sterling power-off power printer qr-code quote radio-receiver radio redo refresh-ccw refresh-cw regex repeat-1 repeat reply-all reply rewind rocket rocking-chair rotate-ccw rotate-cw rss ruler russian-ruble save scale scan-line scan scissors screen-share-off screen-share search send separator-horizontal separator-vertical server-crash server-off server settings-2 settings share-2 share sheet shield-alert shield-check shield-close shield-off shield shirt shopping-bag shopping-cart shovel shrink shuffle sidebar-close sidebar-open sidebar sigma signal-high signal-low signal-medium signal-zero signal skip-back skip-forward skull slack slash sliders smartphone-charging smartphone smile snowflake sort-asc sort-desc speaker sprout square star-half star stop-circle stretch-horizontal stretch-vertical strikethrough subscript sun sunrise sunset superscript swiss-franc switch-camera table tablet tag target tent terminal-square terminal text-cursor-input text-cursor thermometer-snowflake thermometer-sun thermometer thumbs-down thumbs-up ticket timer-off timer-reset timer toggle-left toggle-right tornado trash-2 trash trello trending-down trending-up triangle truck tv-2 tv twitch twitter type umbrella underline undo unlink-2 unlink unlock upload-cloud upload user-check user-minus user-plus user-x user users verified vibrate video-off video view voicemail volume-1 volume-2 volume-x volume wallet wand watch waves webcam wifi-off wifi wind wrap-text wrench x-circle x-octagon x-square x youtube zap-off zap zoom-in zoom-out)
icons = %W(accessibility activity airplay alarm-check alarm-clock-off alarm-clock alarm-minus alarm-plus album alert-circle alert-octagon alert-triangle align-center-horizontal align-center-vertical align-center align-end-horizontal align-end-vertical align-horizontal-distribute-center align-horizontal-distribute-end align-horizontal-distribute-start align-horizontal-justify-center align-horizontal-justify-end align-horizontal-justify-start align-horizontal-space-around align-horizontal-space-between align-justify align-left align-right align-start-horizontal align-start-vertical align-vertical-distribute-center align-vertical-distribute-end align-vertical-distribute-start align-vertical-justify-center align-vertical-justify-end align-vertical-justify-start align-vertical-space-around align-vertical-space-between anchor aperture archive arrow-big-down arrow-big-left arrow-big-right arrow-big-up arrow-down-circle arrow-down-left arrow-down-right arrow-down arrow-left-circle arrow-left-right arrow-left arrow-right-circle arrow-right arrow-up-circle arrow-up-left arrow-up-right arrow-up asterisk at-sign award axe banknote bar-chart-2 bar-chart-3 bar-chart-4 bar-chart-horizontal bar-chart baseline bath battery-charging battery-full battery-low battery-medium battery beaker bell-minus bell-off bell-plus bell-ring bell bike binary bitcoin bluetooth-connected bluetooth-off bluetooth-searching bluetooth bold book-open book bookmark-minus bookmark-plus bookmark bot box-select box briefcase brush bug building-2 building bus calculator calendar camera-off camera car carrot cast check-circle-2 check-circle check-square check chef-hat chevron-down chevron-first chevron-last chevron-left chevron-right chevron-up chevrons-down-up chevrons-down chevrons-left-right chevrons-left chevrons-right-left chevrons-right chevrons-up-down chevrons-up chrome circle-slashed circle clapperboard clipboard-check clipboard-copy clipboard-list clipboard-x clipboard clock-1 clock-10 clock-11 clock-12 clock-2 clock-3 clock-4 clock-5 clock-6 clock-7 clock-8 clock-9 clock cloud-drizzle cloud-fog cloud-hail cloud-lightning cloud-moon cloud-off cloud-rain-wind cloud-rain cloud-snow cloud-sun cloud cloudy clover code-2 code codepen codesandbox coffee coins columns command compass component contact contrast cookie copy copyleft copyright corner-down-left corner-down-right corner-left-down corner-left-up corner-right-down corner-right-up corner-up-left corner-up-right cpu credit-card croissant crop cross crosshair crown currency database delete dice-1 dice-2 dice-3 dice-4 dice-5 dice-6 disc divide-circle divide-square divide dollar-sign download-cloud download dribbble droplet droplets drumstick edit-2 edit-3 edit egg equal-not equal eraser euro expand external-link eye-off eye facebook factory fast-forward feather figma file-check-2 file-check file-code file-digit file-input file-minus-2 file-minus file-output file-plus-2 file-plus file-search file-text file-x-2 file-x file files film filter flag-off flag-triangle-left flag-triangle-right flag flame flashlight-off flashlight flask-conical flask-round focus folder-minus folder-open folder-plus folder form-input forward frame framer frown fuel function-square gamepad-2 gamepad gauge gavel gem ghost gift git-branch-plus git-branch git-commit git-fork git-merge git-pull-request github gitlab glasses globe-2 globe grab graduation-cap grid grip-horizontal grip-vertical hammer hand-metal hand hard-drive hard-hat hash haze headphones heart-off heart help-circle hexagon highlighter history home hourglass image-minus image-off image-plus image import inbox indent indian-rupee infinity info inspect instagram italic japanese-yen key keyboard landmark languages laptop-2 laptop lasso-select lasso layers layout-dashboard layout-grid layout-list layout-template layout library life-buoy lightbulb-off lightbulb line-chart link-2-off link-2 link linkedin list-checks list-minus list-ordered list-plus list-x list loader-2 loader locate-fixed locate-off locate lock log-in log-out magnet mail map-pin-off map-pin map maximize-2 maximize megaphone meh menu message-circle message-square mic-off mic milestone minimize-2 minimize minus-circle minus-square minus monitor-off monitor-speaker monitor moon more-horizontal more-vertical mountain-snow mountain mouse-pointer-2 mouse-pointer-click mouse-pointer mouse move-diagonal-2 move-diagonal move-horizontal move-vertical move music navigation-2-off navigation-2 navigation-off navigation network octagon option outdent package-check package-minus package-plus package-search package-x package palette palmtree paperclip pause-circle pause-octagon pause pen-tool pencil percent person-standing phone-call phone-forwarded phone-incoming phone-missed phone-off phone-outgoing phone pie-chart piggy-bank pin pipette plane play-circle play plug-zap plus-circle plus-square plus pocket podcast pointer pound-sterling power-off power printer puzzle qr-code quote radio-receiver radio redo-2 redo refresh-ccw refresh-cw regex repeat-1 repeat reply-all reply rewind rocket rocking-chair rotate-ccw rotate-cw rss ruler russian-ruble save scale scan-line scan scissors screen-share-off screen-share search send separator-horizontal separator-vertical server-crash server-off server settings-2 settings share-2 share sheet shield-alert shield-check shield-close shield-off shield shirt shopping-bag shopping-cart shovel shrink shuffle sidebar-close sidebar-open sidebar sigma signal-high signal-low signal-medium signal-zero signal skip-back skip-forward skull slack slash sliders-horizontal sliders smartphone-charging smartphone smile snowflake sort-asc sort-desc speaker sprout square star-half star-off star stop-circle stretch-horizontal stretch-vertical strikethrough subscript sun-dim sun-medium sun-moon sun sunrise sunset superscript swiss-franc switch-camera sword swords table tablet tag target tent terminal-square terminal text-cursor-input text-cursor thermometer-snowflake thermometer-sun thermometer thumbs-down thumbs-up ticket timer-off timer-reset timer toggle-left toggle-right tornado train trash-2 trash trello trending-down trending-up triangle truck tv-2 tv twitch twitter type umbrella underline undo-2 undo unlink-2 unlink unlock upload-cloud upload user-check user-minus user-plus user-x user users venetian-mask verified vibrate-off vibrate video-off video view voicemail volume-1 volume-2 volume-x volume wallet wand watch waves webcam wifi-off wifi wind wrap-text wrench x-circle x-octagon x-square x youtube zap-off zap zoom-in zoom-out )
icons.each do |icon|
file = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "src", "components", "#{icon}.tsx"), 'w') do |f|
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