A small java program to make the core features of Mary Text To Speech readily accessible as a shell command
For instructions to install MaryTTS on a Debian system see MaryTTSDebianHowTo.md
For instructions on installing maryspeak see InstallingMaryspeak.md
For further information on exploring MaryTTS see FurtherExplorationOfMaryTTS.md
I've been inspired by Ken Fallon via Hacker Public Radio to write maryspeak; a small java program to make the core features of Mary Text To Speech readily accessible as a shell command. The aim of maryspeak is to reduce the friction for Linux shell users to use MaryTTS. It accepts text input via the command line, via a file or via stdin, processes it using MaryTTS, then outputs speech via sound, to a file, or to stdout. It also allows for the selection of a voice and/or a MaryTTS server.
MaryTTS is written in Java and the UI is not transparently accessible to the Linux command line. maryspeak is a wrapper around the MaryInterface classes used by the MaryTTS Java and http clients. Because its written in Java there is no reason this cannot also be on a Windows system, but the command switches are closer to the GNU conventions as they seek to approximate those used by espeak.