- Clone the repo
- Create/select a python environment
- Open terminal in the "InhomCorr" main folder
- Install "InhomCorr" in editable mode with linting and testing:
pip install -e ".[lint,test]"
- Setup Pre-Commit Hook:
pre-commit install
We recommend to use Microsoft Visual Studio Code with the following extensions:
- Python (Microsoft)
- Pylance (Microsoft)
- isort (Microsoft)
- Python Indent (Kevin Rose)
- Python Type Hint (njqdev)
- Editorconfig for VS Code (EditorConfig)
- Mypy (Martan Gover)
- autoDocstring (Nils Werner)
- markdownlint (David Anson)
- Even Better TOML (tamasfe)
Further extensions that might be useful:
- IntelliCode (Microsoft)
- Remote - SHH (Microsoft)
- GitHub Copilot (GitHub - fee-based )