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Setting up OpenDF using Google Compute Engine

Braalfa edited this page Jan 24, 2016 · 6 revisions

**Requirements **

OpenDF cloned onto your PC. (Link: Java 7 or greater in path variable( use on Linux: export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/tools/java/<jdk_version> Apache Maven 3.1 or greater Project id and registration on Compute engine. MySQL installed and setup.


  1. Setup your database using this guide: You can insert your user into the mySQL database, use this command: insert into User( username, password, email, name, level) values('_username_', '_password_', '', 'name', '12345678910');

  2. cd to OpenDF, and do an mvn clean install which adds the required dependencies.

  3. Run mvn archetype:generate -Dappengine-version=1.9.31 -Dapplication-id=your-app-id where -Dappengine-version is set to the most recent App Engine Java SDK version, and application-id is set to the Cloud Platform Console application ID used for your app.

  4. cd to the OpenDF-ear Directory and use this command to upload the app: mvn appengine:devserver

5)You will be prompted for an authorization code in the terminal window and your web browser will launch with a consent screen which you must accept in order to be authorized. Follow the prompts to copy any codes from the browser to the command line.

In case you only want to test OpenDF, use ‘ mvn appengine:devserver’ instead. Visit http://localhost:8080/ to access your app. ^^

**If you weren't able to deploy OpenDF with the above guide and/or don't have experience working with Google Compute Engine or Ubuntu Linux, then you can go to this blog, with an step by step guide to deploy OpenDF on Google Compute Engine