Paquet R développé pour extraire le PDF du thesaurus des interactions de l'ANSM et le transformer dans un format structuré (R dataframe). Cossin S. Interactions médicamenteuses : données liées et applications. 30 nov 2016.
Rpackage to extract the content of the thesaurus of drug interactions edited by ANSM (french national drug safety institute)
To get the current development version from github:
# install.packages("devtools")
In the R folder, you'll find the extraction programs of the PDF thesaurus since 2009. PDF files are transformed into text files with the tool Apache Tika version 1.1. Then a Rscript per thesaurus transforms text files into Rdataframe (all are in the data folder). All Rscripts use the same class : "parsing_POO_thesaurus.R".
If you are not familiar with R, you may need to transform Rdataframe into CSV files. see "exampleThesaurusToCSV.R" file