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Gather Registration details from participants for upcoming unicycling event


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Registration Site

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Welcome to the Unicycling Registration Application.

This application is designed to be used to receive and process online registration for unicycling competitions/conventions.

I hope that it can be used for unicycling conventions around the world.

Its features include:

  • Automatic increases of expenses based on registration periods (Early Registration, Late Registration)
  • Customizable configuration of offered events, allowing detailed information gathering of the events that competitors will be competing in.
  • Customizable configuration of expense items that can be offered for sale along with registration fees
  • Integration with PayPal in order to receive payment of registration fee, and other expenses
  • Administrative data reports which show the event sign-up details (how many people have signed up for each event)
  • Administrative data reports which show the payment receipt details
  • Administrative data-download options, which provide easy export of event sign up details.
  • Judging and scoring systems for various competition types
  • Multi-Language support, to allow the registration system to be enabled in any language

This documentation is broken into 2 sections:

  • How to use the site for your own convention
  • How to contribute time/effort to improving the application

How to use the site for your own convention

The application is capable of running multiple conventions on a single server, and no longer needs each convention to manage its own servers/hosting.

Contact Robin ( in order to create a new convention. Generally you will also want to use a 'test' instance in order to test/explore features without affecting your "live" site.

How to add/improve Translations

If you would like to contribute language translations, the first step is to ask for a "translator" account.

Once you have a translator account, a "Translation" menu item will appear, which will allow you to see/adjust/improve the translations for any language (except English).

  • If you find that there is any text which only appears in English, or where the english is incorrect, please use the "Feedback" form to let me know, and I'll enable it in the translation system.

If we want to add a new language to the list of possible translations:

  1. First create a root-level base.en.yml file, and set the "language_name" (this should be the only entry in the file)

  2. Add the language to the available_locales in the config/application.rb

2a. At this point, you can publish the changes, and translators can create the translations as necessary

  1. Add the language to the all_available_languages in the EventConfiguration class

  2. Choose the language in your Event Configuration.

  • app/views/layouts/application.rb - Ensure that the 'lang' attribute is appropriately set.

  • app/views/layouts/_footer.html.haml - Ensure that the link to the language is appropriately tagged/translated.

Technical Details

Each time that a deployment occurs, the translation files in /config/locales will be loaded into the database.

Since the English translatios are considered the "base locale", changes to those entris have specific impacts.

  • If an English phrase is added, the db will have a new entry added, and marked so that non-English translations can be provided.

  • If an English phrase is updated, the db will be marked so that the non-encglish phrases can be reviewed to ensure that they still make sense.

  • If an English phraes is deleted, the db ...I don't know, I haven't done this yet.

Deploying code with new translations needed

When you perform a cap stage deploy it will automatically run rake import_translations_from_yml and rake write_tolk_to_disk which will update the existing Tolk translations with any new/changed keys. No further steps should be necessary.

You may need to clear the translation cache in order for the existing cached pages to be cleared.

Downloading new translations from Tolk

Extracting the new translations out of the system, and back into the source-code

  1. Use the "Apply" button in the translation system to write all Tolk Translations to disk (and apply them to the front-end)

  2. Use the "Clear Translations Cache" button to cause all cached pages to be cleared, and new ones generated.

  3. Copy the changed yml files down to your local machine:

    cap stage translation:download or cap prod translation:download

    this will copy the remote config/locales onto your local machine's config/locales

  4. Examine the changes, to ensure that you aren't accidentally removing changes which you want.

  5. Commit the changes.

Other Commands available (useful for testing:

  • Clear the current loaded Tolk Content (** This is a very destructive step. Be warned! **)

    rake clear_translations

    This command can also be useful if you want to remove invalid translations from the tolk db, and reload from disk.

  • Load all translations from config/locales:

    rake import_translations_from_yml

  • Restart the server

How to contribute time/effort to the Registration Site

The following directions assume that you can use "google", and are willing to read the instructions for github.

  • Download the code from github
  • Configure the Base Settings for the application (see below)
  • Configure the Event Configuration (offered events/prices) (see below)

Base Settings

The 'Base Settings' are set once by the Site Administrator, and are not able to be changed by any users of the system (neither normal users, nor admins). These settings are base settings such as security keys (secret hash), usernames/passwords for e-mail system integration, AWS S3 storage integration.

Registration-Update Scheduler

In order to automatically update the registration period when the current period ends, a scheduled task must be executed daily. This is done with the 'whenever' gem which schedules the task to run daily

Production flag

Setting this flag will remove the "Development Site" banner



When deploying, we use a redis caching server

Email System integration

Without a configured e-mail address, the system is unable to send confirmation e-mails to new registrants. The following is used to configure the outgoing e-mail system. Specify a real email account, with username and password. The "Full E-mail" will be the e-mail address in the "From" line.
or, if you want it to have a name as well as an e-mail:

On Non-GMail systems, you may need to set the MAIL_TLS=false variable too (see initializers/mailer.rb)

The following e-mail will receive a CC of every payment confirmation sent

The following e-mail(s) will receive all error messages, "feedback", and other low-level messages

The DOMAIN setting is used to build the links in the e-mails, set it to the hostname of the deployed application

If you want to allow user accounts to be created WITHOUT requiring e-mail confirmation, set the following variable, or "Authorize the laptop":


Paypal Account

Specify the paypal account "Merchant Account" that will be paid. Set these in your "Base Configuration" (EventConfiguration table)

Paypal Account

Specify whether to use the LIVE or TEST PAYPAL Site (default: Test)

Paypal Test Mode

Paypal Settings required for proper integration:

Configure your paypal account to send out IPN notifications; The will be the hosted website URL, with /payments/notification at the end. Example:

. New Paypal UI: Login to the PayPal merchang account -> Click on the person icon top right next to sign out -> Profile and settings -> My selling tools -> Getting paid and managing my risk -> Instant Payment Notifications -> ...

. Old Paypal UI: Login to the PayPal merchant account -> Profile -> Instant Payment Notification Preferences -> ...

Then: Enter and select radio button “Receive IPN messages” -> Save

Enable Auto Return: <return_url> will be

New UI: Click on the person icon top right next to sign out -> Profile and settings -> My selling tools -> Selling Online -> Website prefernces -> ...

Old UI: "My Account -> Profile -> Sellers Preferences -> Website Payment Preferences -> ...

Then: Payment Data Transfer (On), Auto Return ON: Return URL: <return_url>

Set the "PayPal Account Optional" setting on so that people don't have to have a paypal account to pay "My Account -> Profile -> Sellers Preferences -> Website Payment Preferences -> PayPal Account Optional (On) -> save"

AWS S3 Account

You should also create an Amazon S3 Account for storing files. These files include:

  • The main app logo
  • Any uploaded Songs (if that feature is enabled)
  • PDFs of results.

Specify your connection settings in the secrets.yml file:


Google Analytics Account

Google Analytics is a service for tracking the way that users interact with the site.

Adding a google Analytics token enables us to track the flow of users. This setting is optional.


NewRelic Account

NewRelic is a performance monitoring tool, install it via the addons page, or commmand line.

Set the following settings

NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME=<name you would like to appear in NewRelic panel>

To View the local NewRelic Inforamtion

`http://localhost:9292/newrelic` (when in development or caching modes)

Seed Data

There are a number of tables which have non-user-editable data in them (such as StandardSkillEntry). In order to initially populate these, please run db:seed

$ rake db:seed

you can use the db:setup command to create the database, tables, and seed:

$ rake db:setup

Event Configuration

Once you have the application configured for e-mail and other 'Base Settings', you need to configure the events offered at this particular competition, as well as the expense details for registration.

  • Create an account (using the "Sign Up" page)

  • Use the "heroku console" to set this user as "super_admin: true"

    u = User.find(1); u.add_role :super_admin;

  • Log into the site

  • Create an "Event Configuration" with your basic details, which includes the Name of the competition as well as logo and URL links to supporting information.

  • Create some Expense Groups and Expense Items

  • Create some Registration Periods

  • Create some Categories, and Events within those categories.

Authorizing a laptop

If you want to enable normal users to create registrations (For Example: On-Site Registration). Go to /permissions/acl and authorize the browser.

This allows creation/modification of user-accounts/registrations for 24 hours from this laptop.

Administrators will have access to the key necessary to enable this feature.


Code Contribututions

If you would like to contribute any work to the project, please:

  • Check out this project from github
  • Fork the project
  • For any changes, include updated/added unit tests, and ensure that the whole suite runs
  • Create a pull request

Idea Contributions

  • If you have an improvement, feel free to send me a message via github

Development Setup instructions:

To use this, you must install a local postgres database server.

Getting Started with Development

Set your local git credentials

$ cd ~/unicycling-registration/ (Or wherever the working directory is)

$ git config --local "Robin Dunlop" (Enter YOUR name instead)
$ git config --local (Enter YOUR email instead)

Setup the database

Copy `config/database_template.yml` to `config/database.yml`  and make
  any necessary adjustments for your local environment.

Start the local server

Create a local .env file. This file will contain some base settings.

cd workspace
$ echo "PORT=9292" > .env
$ echo "RACK_ENV=development" >> .env
$ echo "WEB_CONCURRENCY=1" >> .env

Each of the settings in the settings.yml file will need to be configured. Some of these settings should be configured differently:

Start the server:

$ foreman start (this will not return)



  • The server /may/ need an outgoing e-mail account in order to function nicely.

To Stop the server

  • Press Ctrl-C on the Server console

If making changes to the logic

Migrate the database

This step is necessary if you make changes to the db schema in development, or if you plan on running the server locally

(inside the VM)

cd workspace
rake db:migrate
RAILS_ENV=test rake db:migrate

To Run the test suite

cd workspace
rspec spec

or to run each type of test separately

cd workspace
bundle exec rake spec:unit
bundle exec rake spec:integration
bundle exec rake spec:api

In order to create a database backup from production for use on your development system (if so desired):

Instructions missing
  • Import the data (from inside your VM)

    $ PGPASSWORD=password dropdb -U postgres -h localhost app_development $ PGPASSWORD=password createdb -U postgres -h localhost app_development $ PGPASSWORD=password pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -U postgres -d app_development latest.dump

PDF Generation

PDFs are generated using wicked_pdf. It is installed by a gem automatically.

To Run the Production setup locally

  • Take a database snapshot

  • Create a production database

    $ PGPASSWORD=password createdb -U postgres -h localhost app_production

  • Import the data

    $ PGPASSWORD=password pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -U postgres -d app_production latest.dump

  • Precompile the assets

    $ rake assets:precompile

  • Start the server

    $ foreman start web

..... Backing up the local postgres database:

$ PGPASSWORD=password pg_dump -h localhost -U postgres -f test.dump -F t app_production

Setting the correct timezone

In order to have all printed reports have the correct timestamp on them, you should set the timezone of the server.

  • Run 'tzselect'

  • After choosing the options, put the resulting line into ~/.profile

  • Example:

    $ cat "TZ='America/New_York'; export TZ" >> ~/.profile

Comments on the database schema

The Base Schema (used for all other data)

  • EventConfiguration: Site-wide configuration table.
  • Registrant: Holds Details on an individual registrant. They may be competitors, or non-competitors
  • User: a log-in-able account email/passwordt

The Event-Registration Schema (for registration details)

  • RegistrationPeriod: the date-range that each registration price will be available

  • AdditionalRegistrantAccess: allows sharing registration details between User accounts

  • Category: Specifies the categories of events that will be offered (Racing, Artistic, etc)

  • Event: An event that can be signed up for (100m, MUni Downhill, etc)

  • EventCategory: the sub-classification of the Event that I have signed up for.

  • EventChoice: Additional Options that are requested when registering for an event.

  • RegistrantChoice: The EventChoice chosen for the event by the registrant.

  • RegistrantEventSignUp: Indication that a registrant is choosing the event.

  • ExpenseGroup: Name for a group of expense items (T-Shirts, Dinner Tickets, etc)

  • ExpenseItem: Specific Items that registrants can buy.

  • Payment: A payment that the registrant has created

  • PaymentDetails: individual line-items in the payment

  • RegistrantExpenseItem: Items that the registrant has chosen. BEFORE paying for them.

  • StandardSkillEntry: A skill that can be chosen for Standard Skill

  • StandardSkillRoutineEntry: Chosen skill for registrant's Standard Skill Routine

  • StandardSkillRoutine: A Registrant's Standard Skill Routine

The Competition Results Data (for judging)

  • AgeGroupType: A defined set of age ranges.

  • AgeGroupEntries: Each age entry has a start-age and end-age.

  • WheelSize: The wheel size that the age enty must use, and the competitor must use.

  • Competitor: A grouping concept which associates registrants and EventCategories

  • Competition: A list of competitors who are set for competing in a particular race/etc.

  • JudgeType: describes the various types of judges that we have (Presentation, Technical, Street, etc) and their scoring behaviors.

  • TimeResult: The results of a timed race for a registrant


  • RailsAdminHistory: Supporting the railsAdmin console
  • Roles: supporting Admin/Superadmin roles


Gather Registration details from participants for upcoming unicycling event







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