scrape: the SCRAtch interPrEter
Scrape is an interpreter to run Scratch projects. First compile .sb3 files into .scrape files using Scrapec, then run .scrape files using Scrape.
Click here to view a demo.
See for information on compatibility with Scratch.
To run a .sb3 file using Scrape, install Scrape and Scrapec using the instructions in the Installation section, and then use the following commands:
scrapec project.sb3 # compile the .sb3 file into a .scrape file
scrape project.scrape # run the .scrape file
Scrape and Scrapec are available for installation on FlatHub.
flatpak install flathub dev.paullee.scraterpreter.Scrape
alias scrape='flatpak run dev.paullee.scraterpreter.Scrape' # Put this in your .*rc file. (Like .bashrc, .zshrc, etc.)
flatpak install flathub dev.paullee.scraterpreter.Scrapec
alias scrapec='flatpak run dev.paullee.scraterpreter.Scrapec' # Put this in your .*rc file. (Like .bashrc, .zshrc, etc.)
Scrape Snaps are available for installation at the Snap Store.
sudo snap install scraterpreter # install scrape
# Add the following aliases to your .*rc file. (Like .bashrc, .zshrc, etc.)
alias scrape=scraterpreter.scrape
alias scrapec=scraterpreter.scrapec
Scrape is available as an MSI on our releases page. Scrapec is available as a PIP package on the PYPI. There may be some issues with PATH on Windows. Please contact us by creating a GitHub issue or by sending us an email (contact AT paullee DOT dev).
git clone # clones the repository
cd scrape
mkdir build # creates the build directory
cd build
cmake .. # uses CMake to create a Makefile
make install # builds the source code and installs the binary