The app functions as a lead generator for real estate agents and it simplifies the process of viewing/visiting properties a potential buyer is interested in.
As a person trying to purchase property, I want to be able to search for properties in a specific area so I can have many options to choose from.
As a person trying to purchase property, I want to see the details of the property that interests me.
As a person trying to purchase property, I want to be able to request a showing of the property I am interested in.
As a person trying to purchase property, I want to be able to view a list of all my pending requests for a showing.
As a real estate agent I should be able to view all the pending requests for a showing of a property.
As a real estate agent I should be able to pick up requests for showing.
Register | Log In |
Search | List of properties |
Property Show Page | Mobile Hamburger Menu |
User profile page | Agents request view page |
- Node.js - The runtime environment used to create my server.
- Express.js - The framework used to create my server
- mongoDB - The NoSQL database used to store the applications data.
- mongoosejs - Serves to model my data in my database.
- Gulp.js - Served as my task runner for tasks like compiling my less code into css.
- Less.js - Used as a pre proccessor to extend the capabilities of my css code.
- bcrypt - Used to add a layer of security to the users accounts
- ejs - Used as a templating language to create the application's pages
- express-session - Middleware/cookie used to track the users session
- body-parser - Middleware for parsing incoming request bodies
- method-override - Middleware used to override HTTP Verbs
- HTML5 - Front end technology used to create the basic layout of each web page
- javscript - Programming language used for most of the apps functionality
App is available HERE
Recommended desktop browsers
- google chrome
- safari
- firefox