Yet another thing I came up with because I was lazy! Here's how to run it. Note: Do not use it for commercial purposes.
###Install dependencies:
sudo apt-get install python-bs4
#####Alternate installation:
sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo pip install beautifulsoup4
#####Installing PyQt (For Screenshots)
pip install PyQt
In case you have isseus installing the package, visit this link-
###Clone the repository:
##Tools (Obsolete after the restructuring of their site) Prints out trip information about a trip in tripoto. Takes in trip id as input.
azure@ubuntu:~/web-scraping$ python
Enter trip id: 273
Getting webpage...
Title: The Handicraft Tour
Travel Agent: Royal Tours India
Places: New Delhi, Agra, Jaipur, Jodhpur, Udaipur Gets information about all world travelers from and saves it in an xls file!
#####fb_page_feed_check.php Run it in your web browser. Fill in the arrays of misleading words and terms to check for in the feed. Also put it the fb page id. Gets the highest no of posts by any blogger in a given contest Takes screenshot of a given url