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Graph Matching: Algorithm

Sandeep Dasgupta edited this page Aug 27, 2019 · 4 revisions
  main_driver is responsible for matching the data-flow
  sub-graphs for each instruction in x86 code
void main_driver(x86Code code /*The x86 code*/) {
  for (each instruction I : Instruction in code(following the control flow)) {
    for (x86Node node : dataflow graph of I in topological order) {

void matchNode(x86Node node) {
  if (Matches.exists(node))


typedef vector<LLVMNode> tuple;
void findCandidateLLVMNodes(x86Node node) {
  set<MatchedInfo> retval;

  parents = node.parents;

  ** x86 nodes with no parents corresponds to
  ** those used as argument to the current function
  if (parents.size() == 0) {

    ** Find the corresponding LLVM node matches of x86Node `node` (which is a
    *register or memory)
    ** in the corresponding LLVM basic block.
    auto LLVMBBs = node.getLLVMBB();
    for (auto LLVMBB : LLVMBBs) {
      retval.append(findCandidateLLVMNodesInBB(node, BB));

  ** If 'node' has n parents and each having O(m) LLVM node candidates,
  ** then explore all the nm candidate tuples to check which ones has a path
  ** to node
  for (each candidate tuple `t` of parents) {
    // Note that the immediate parents might not have
    // matching LLVM nodes (as tthe imm. parents might have skipped in
    // decompiled LLVM);
    // In that case find the ancestors with mathcing LLVM nodes
    isReachable(t, node);

  Return true if each of the members of tuple t can reach a
  LLVM node corresponding to x86Node node.
void isReachable(tuple t, x86Node node) {
  if (node == NULL)

  if (not reachable) {
    for (each child of node) {
      isReachable(t, child);
  } else {
    // update matching info of node and refine that of parents
    // update the matching basic blocks
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