This project will use several APIs to track the International space station and present that data and any live webstream content available.
- This project will produce a web-app that will track the international space station.
- The app will take user location and show it on the map and/or inform the user of the next overhead pass of the space station.
- The app will allow the user to select from several people, places, or mission payloads to learn more.
- The app will take user location and show it on the map and/or inform the user of the next overhead pass of the space station.
- The app will allow the user to select from several people, places, or mission payloads to learn more.
- Data will persist in HTML localStorage
ISS location data will be taken from the Open-Notify-API
ISS overhead passage times will be taken from the Open-Notify-API
The google maps API will be used to output the location
map.js will contains map rendering JS
- Primary JS is a self invoking anonymous function that grabs the element id="mapCanvas". It pulls from two variables(listed below) to create a map. The map is rendered in the iss.html page as defined in the css/style.css #mapCanvas
- issLoc() sets latitude and longitude vars issLong & issLgn. JSONP API data overwrites the initial location, Currently set to Code Fellows PDX. If the JSONP data is not received the map will center there.
- getPass(lat, Lng) returns overhead pass estimations based upon the input location. Callback data is stored in passTimes
- initMap() creates the map element using the google maps API
- var namesInSpace contains all current Astronauts and the craft they are currently aboard.
- var numberAstro contains the qty of Astronauts in space.
app.js will be the primary JS location
- function() will be listed here
- iss.html populates a google map with the google maps JS api. The initial location is the Codefellows Portland building but the map is rendered again on reception of the JSONP data.