Create a virtual environment called blockchain. Then execute:
source .virtualenvs/blockchain/bin/activate
Make sure that the virtual environment is activated. From the backend directory:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Make sure that the virtual environment is activated. From the backend directory:
To run the complete tests suite execute:
To run a particular test case execute:
python -m unittest tests.<tests_directory>.<test_file>.<test_case>
Make sure that the virtual environment is activated. Start several application instances in localhost. From the backend directory in different terminals:
python -m src.bin.www -ap 5000 -pp 6000
python -m src.bin.www -ap 5001 -pp 6001 -n "ws://"
python -m src.bin.www -ap 5002 -pp 6002 -n "ws://, ws://"
ap = api port
pp = p2p server port
n = already known p2p nodes uris