This is a new version of contexts-app, an application designed to help visualize data from Linguistica in a couple different ways.
The new version integrates the following modules:
- "graph", for a force-directed graph from an adjacency list
- "groups", which allows you to load categorical data into the graph, or run an algorithm to determine categorization (right now, just Chinese Whispers)
- "partial-graph", which is another graph layout intended for part of a graph (specify a root, number of neighbors, and number of generations)
- "contexts", view the contexts of selected nodes alongside the graph.
We use the following technologies:
- D3 is a data visualization library and provides some general-purpose Javascript programming tools.
- require.js (NEW) is a Javascript framework that allows for on-demand loading of Javascript modules. This web project is forked from the require.js example of a single-page app, here.
- interact.js (NEW) provides the drag-and-drop and resizing features.
This web project has the following setup:
- www/ - the web assets for the project
- index.html - the entry point into the app.
- app.js - the top-level config script used by index.html
- app/ - the directory to store project-specific scripts.
- lib/ - the directory to hold third party scripts.
- modules/ (*) - directories for the separate modules. Each directory contains an html file and a JS file.
- modules.json (*) - defines each module (the page and javascript files to be loaded, if it exports/imports any objects...)
- style.css (*) - includes CSS styles copied from old project. (TODO: styles should really belong to the module that they are needed in.)
- tools/ - the build tools to optimize the project.
The "*" notes aspects of the setup that were NOT part of the original template.
The following comes from the template:
To optimize, run:
node tools/r.js -o tools/build.js
That build command creates an optimized version of the project in a www-built directory. The app.js file will be optimized to include all of its dependencies.
For more information on the optimizer:
For more information on using requirejs: