[sudo] npm install [-g] scandir
Usage: scandir [options] <directory>
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-r, --recursive scan dir recursive
-w, --wildcard <wildcard> wildcard
-e, --expression <regexp> regular expression
-m, --media <media> mime type media: application|audio|chemical|image|message|model|text|video|x-conference
-i, --insensitive case insensitive. Default to false
-g, --greaterthan <size[B|kB|MB|GB|TB|EB]> return files greater than size (Bytes)
-l, --lowerthan <size[B|kB|MB|GB|TB|EB]> return files lower than size (Bytes)
-s, --stoponerror stop scan on first error. Default to false
-R, --reporter <cli,json> default to cli
-d, --debug
-L, --displayplugins Display available plugins
-p, --plugin <plugin name> Ex: -p video/vlc-convert
-H, --displaypluginoptions Ex: -p video/vlc-convert -H
-o, --pluginoptions <options> Ex: -o "vc: 'VP80', vb: 2000, ab: 44"
* @class
* @public
* @params [{Object}] config
* @params [{Booleab}] config.debug. Defautl false
* @event file({String} filePath, {Stats} stats)
* @event end({Number} totalCount, {Number} totalSize}) > scan finished
* @event error({Error} err)
* @method
* @public
* @params <{object}> config
* @params <{string}> config.dir
* @params [{boolean}]config.recursive. Default to true.
* @params [{boolean}]config.insensitive. Default to false. Only available with String filter
* @params [{RegExp|String|undefined}] config.filter. String === exact match
* @params [{Number}] config.greaterthan. Bytes value. Min value 0.
* @params [{Number}] config.lowerthan. Bytes value. Min value 1.
* @params [{string}]config.media.
* @params [{boolean}]config.stopOnError. Default to false.
var scandir = require('../lib/scandir').create();
scandir.on('file', function(file, stats) {
console.log(file + ' ' + stats.size);
scandir.on('error', function(err){
scandir.on('end', function(){
dir: '.',
recursive: true,
filter: /.*/