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Expanse Notebooks

Refer to this User Guide for instructions on loading required packages and launching Jupyter Notebook in Expanse.

View by: Name (Alphabetical-Order)

The following table lists the notebooks in alphabetical order. To view by type, use the links below:

Notebook Table: Alphabetical Order

Notebook Project Notebook Type Required (Sub) Modules
CUDA_GPU_Computing_Pi cuda_gpu_nvidia_computing_pi_solution.ipynb GPU, Parallel numba, math, numpy, cuda
CUDA_GPU_Distance_Matrix cuda_gpu_nvidia_distance_matrix_solution.ipynb GPU, Parallel numba, math, numpy, cuda
CUDA_GPU_Law_Of_Cosines cuda_gpu_nvidia_law_of_cosines_solution.ipynb GPU, Parallel numba, math, numpy, vectorize, cuda
Clustering_Visualizations Introduction_to_Clustering.ipynb CPU, Serial scikit-learn, numpy, matplotlib, sciPy, make_blobs, KMeans, dendrogram, linkage, AgglomerativeClustering
Dask_Graph_CPU dask_graphs_CPU.ipynb CPU, Parallel dask
Dask_Graph_GPU dask_graphs_GPU.ipynb GPU, Parallel dask, cupy, dask.array, array
Data_Analysis data_analysis_pandas.ipynb CPU, Serial numpy, pandas
Data_Analysis_Cupy data_analysis_cupy.ipynb GPU, Parallel cupy, cudf, pandas, numpy
Decision_Trees Decision trees.ipynb CPU, Serial scikit-learn, tree, sklearn.datasets, graphviz, load_iris
Graphs&Networks NetworkX.ipynb CPU, Serial NetworkX, matplotlib.pyplot, networkx, write_dot, networkx.drawing.nx_pydot, networkx
Hello_World_CPU hello_world_cpu.ipynb CPU, Serial
Hello_World_GPU hello_world_gpu.ipynb GPU, Serial
Image_Processing Pillow.ipynb CPU, Serial PIL, Image, sys, ImageFilter, ImageEnhance
Matplotlib_Intro matplotlib_intro.ipynb CPU, Serial matplotlib, matplotlib.pyplot, numpy
Multithreaded_Processing_CPU multithreaded_processing.ipynb CPU, Parallel mkl, numpy, dask.array
NumPy_Intro numpy_intro.ipynb CPU, Serial numpy, operator, add, matplotlib.pyplot, collections, Counter
Python_Data_Analysis_Library PandasCSV.ipynb CPU, Serial IPython.display, Image, pandas
String_Processing Regression.ipynb CPU, Serial sklearn, linear_model, mean_squared_error, r2_score, sklearn.datasets, load_diabetes, numpy, matplotlib.pyplot, pandas, scipy, stats
Tensorflow_Image_Classification Image Classification.ipynb CPU, GPU, Parallel tensorflow, matplotlib.pyplot, numpy, PIL, keras, layers, tensorflow.keras, tensorflow.keras.models, Sequential, pathlib
Tensorflow_Simple_Training SimpleTraining.ipynb CPU, GPU, Parallel tensorflow, numpy, csv, matplotlib.pyplot