PseudoFutoshiki is a lightweight Futoshiki solver that makes use of pseudo-boolean formulae and a modern SAT solver to compute the solvability of a given game board.
PseudoFutoshiki seeks to expand upon the work that others have done in the realm of solving logic puzzles using SAT solvers by making use of pseudo-boolean encodings. Pseudo-boolean encodings allow mathematical relations in the following form to be encoded in a boolean CNF formula:
So, by taking advantage of the mathematical underpinnings of Futoshiki (in the form of Latin squares), pseudo-boolean encodings enable the development of clean, digestible, and unambiguous code. They also allow additional mathematical constraints to be put on the board with ease.
The following is a sequence diagram depicting the algorithm's execution path. The solve and get_model methods come from the PySAT library, but the rest are home-grown.
- Clone the repository or download the source code to your local machine
- Run the following command to install the necessary library dependencies (PySAT and PyPBLib)
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Choose one of the prebuilt boards found in the boards folder or create your own board following the style of the prebuilt boards
- Run with the filepath of your desired board as the sole argument.
python3 boards/grid2_val.txt
- Sean Kelly - @se-ke
- Dylan Huang - @huangdylan08
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
- Professor Jason Hemann introduced us to the world of (un)satisfiability in our CS2800 class during the Fall 2020 semester
- mattismegevand's Futoshiki SAT solver served as a foundation for this project and helped us to identify what has already been done in terms of Futoshiki SAT solvers
- Martin Hořeňovský's article on modern SAT solvers taught us a lot about how to encode games in boolean logic