A small library for manipulating, validating and formatting JavaScript date object. Futhermore, it can helps you log your execution time by using timelook.
Current Version : v1.2.0
Install via npm or download source file directly
- npm
npm install timesolver
- source
You need to use timeSolver object to manipulate JavaScript date object.
Include timeSolver
, You can use global object in your page.
<script type="text/javascript" src="timeSolver.min.js"></script>
You also can use via require
const timeSolver = require('./../timeSolver');
For example, if you want to get datetime string with format "YYYYMMDD", you need to do by following:
const dateString = timeSolver.getString(new Date(), "YYYYMMDD");
You can use this basic manipulate on date, add or subtract, by different time unit(type)
* Add time by time unit
* @param {date/string} [date] standard JavaScript Date object or date string
* @param {string} [count] a number you want to add on date
* @param {string} [type] timeSolver time unit
* @return {date} standard JavaScript Date object
const afterAdd = timeSolver.add(date, count, type);
* Subtract time by time unit
* @param {date/string} [date] standard JavaScript Date object or date string
* @param {string} [count] a number you want to subtract on date
* @param {string} [type] timeSolver time unit
* @return {date} standard JavaScript Date object
const afterSubtract = timeSolver.subtract(date, count, type);
* Check whether two dates equals or not
* @param {date/string} [date1] standard JavaScript Date object or date string
* @param {date/string} [date2] standard JavaScript Date object or date string
* @return {boolean} equals or not
const result = timeSolver.equal(date1, date2);
* Check whether date1 after date2 or not
* @param {date/string} [date1] standard JavaScript Date object or date string
* @param {date/string} [date2] standard JavaScript Date object or date string
* @return {boolean} date1 after date2 or not
const result = timeSolver.after(date1, date2, type);
* Check whether date after today or not
* @param {date/string} [date] standard JavaScript Date object or date string
* @return {boolean} date1 after today or not
const result = timeSolver.afterToday(date);
* Check whether date1 before date2 or not
* @param {date/string} [date1] standard JavaScript Date object or date string
* @param {date/string} [date2] standard JavaScript Date object or date string
* @return {boolean} date1 before date2 or not
const result = timeSolver.before(date1, date2, type);
* Check whether date before today or not
* @param {date/string} [date] standard JavaScript Date object or date string
* @return {boolean} date1 before today or not
const result = timeSolver.beforeToday(date);
* Count time by time unit between two date
* @param {date/string} [date1] standard JavaScript Date object or date string
* @param {date/string} [date2] standard JavaScript Date object or date string
* @param {string} [type] timeSolver time unit
* @return {number} return count by time unit
const result = timeSolver.between(date1, date2, type);
* Get date time string by different format
* @param {date/string} [date] standard JavaScript Date object or date string
* @param {string} [format] timeSolver string format
* @return {string} return formated string
const dateString = timeSolver.getString(date, format);
Get date's weekday or month name, it will return abbr. or full name by different method
const result1 = timeSolver.getAbbrWeek(date);
const result2 = timeSolver.getFullWeek(date);
const result3 = timeSolver.getAbbrMonth(date);
const result4 = timeSolver.getFullMonth(date);
* Check whether date string is valid or not and return true/ false if dateString valid or not
* @param {string} [dateString] date string
* @param {string} [format] timeSolver valid format
* @return {boolean} dateString is valid or not
const result = timeSolver.isValid(dateString, format);
* Get quarter by give month
* @param {number} [month] month number
* @return {number} return quarter number
const quarter = timeSolver.getQuarterByMonth(month);
* Get quarter's first month string by give quarter
* @param {number} [quarter] quarter number
* @return {number} return month number
const firstMonth = timeSolver.getFirstMonthByQuarter(quarter);
time unit parameter abbr Millisecond "MILLISECOND" "mill" Second "SECOND" "s" Minute "MINUTE" "min" Hour "HOUR" "h" Day "DAY" "d" Month "MONTH" "m" Year "YEAR" "y"
It can helps you log your execution time by using timeLook
- start timeLook
- set your break point with label text
timeSolver.timeLook("date basic function");
- see your time log report
For example, it will print on your browser console.
It will shows every execution time between your two break point, and mark the bottleneck with red color(Chrome Console).
- 1.2.0 (20180408)
- Add unit-test
- New feature: getQuarterByMonth and getFirstMonthByQuarter
- 1.1.1 (20180401)
- Add to npm
- 1.1.1 (20170718)
- Enhance function: isValid(), add three timestamp format
- 1.1.0 (20170614)
- New feature: timeLook, helps you log your execution time
- 1.0.7 (20170613)
- Bug fix: YYYYMMDD: 2017613 -> 20170613
- 1.0.6 (20170110)
- Add some new feature
- Add minify version
- 1.0.5 (20160813)
- Module load compatibility
- 1.0.4 (20160614)
- Bug fix
- 1.0.3 (20160425)
- Restructure
- 1.0.2
- Bug fix: between()
- 1.0.1
- Add new function: isValid()