Initialize a Hue object with the ip address of your Hue base station your hue app key, and port if needed. Hue will load all configuration, lights, groups, and schedules by default. Hue groups and schedules can be created with minimal configuration. A hue group is created with a list of lights, a Hue Schedule is created with a list of HueCommands and a datetime object.
hue = Hue('','some-hue-key', port=80)
hue.lights['0'].set_light_attr('1', { 'hue' : 6233, 'bri' : 200 })
hue.lights['1'].set_light_attr('1', { 'hue' : hue.['1'].get_light_attr_random('hue'), 'bri' : 200 })
lights = [hue.lights[light_key] for light_key in hue.lights.keys()]
hue.create_group(lights, 'Test Group')
commands = [HueCommand(hue.lights[key].uri + '/state', { 'hue' : 0, 'sat' : 10}, 'PUT') for key in hue.lights.keys()]
hue.create_schedule('test', commands, + timedelta(seconds=20))