A document about the history and origin of the Myrick family. (Welsh: Llewellyn (/luˈɛlɪn/))
Alt name: Myrick-ancestry repo
This is a project related to the Myrick family tree
[Sensitive: do not upload ancestry data to this repo, cite it separately]
Flag of Wales [🏴]
The Myrick family descended from Wales hundreds of years ago. The original spelling of Myrick is derived from Welsh: Llewellyn (/luˈɛlɪn/)
THe maajority of Myricks are in the USA [🇺🇲]
Sean -> Irish [🇨🇮]
Lindsay Myrick --> Lindsay My [🇰🇷]
Other name changes
None recorded
Myrick count: ~3,000,000+
Notable Myrick locations
Wikipedia link to notable man named Myrick
Walla Walla, Washington, USA
SeanPm ColleenM VernCM
My names not Rick - Patrick Star (SpongeBob SquarePants, possibly episode 39)
Myrick? More like My Dick - source: I created this self-deprecating phrase 1-2 years ago (Richard/Rick can also mean Dick, so this actually fits)
A Myrick Historian, Seanpm2001 Started this article
File type: Markdown (*.md)
File version: 1 (Friday, March 5th 2021 at 9:13 pm)
Line count (including blank lines and compiler line): 120
Version 1 (Friday, March 5th 2021 at 9:13 pm)
- Started the file
- Added the title/header section
- Added the about section
- Added the descent section
- Added the making fun section
- Added the Safe For Work subsection
- Added the Not Safe For Work subsection
- Added the file info section
- Added the file history section
- Added the footer
- No other changes in version 1
Version 2 (Coming soon)
- Coming soon
- No other changes in version 2
You have reached the end of this file.
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Sean P. Myrick V19.1.7.2 💻 📖 📆 🛡️ 🔣 🖋 🎨 🚧 🤔 |
All Contributors 📖 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!