Code and schematics for Dance Dance Revolution - DDR - FSR sensor upgrade.
Use one MEGA238P per arrow to read & convert the 4 FSR values into a pressed/not-pressed signal. Use 25 SK6812 LEDs to light up the panel when pressed and show animations when idle.
- Arduino-pro-mini clone
- MCP2125 - CAN - interface with Teensy
- Teensy 3.2 - interface with DDR cabinet
- SK6812 - 'Neopixel' LEDs
- FSR - x32 - 4 per tile
- 'Dance Sensor' from aliexpress for the TPU shell.
- FSR from aliexpress.
I have a DDR cabinet, and I am tired of dealing with stuck sensors. This will let me calibrate the dance pad on the fly and never have to deal with it again. I've wanted to create a CANBus network for a while, and this gives me an excuse to use the box of pro-mini clones that I've had for a while now.