collectd-mongodb is a collectd plugin that collects statistics from a MongoDB server.
This plugin is a direct port of the MongoDB C plugin that will be part of collectd 5.1, it works with Collectd 4.9.x and 4.10.x.
- Collectd 4.9 or later (for the Python plugin)
- Python 2.4 or later
- Python MongoDB driver 2.4 or later (
The plugin has some configuration options even though none are mandatory. This is done by passing parameters via the config section in your Collectd config. The following parameters are recognized:
- User - the username for authentication
- Password - the password for authentication
- Host - hostname or IP address of the mongodb server defaults to
- Port - the port of the mongodb server defaults to 27017
- Database - the databases you want to monitor defaults to "admin". You can provide more than one database. Note that the first database must be "admin", as it is used to perform a serverStatus()
The following is an example Collectd configuration for this plugin:
<LoadPlugin python>
Globals true
<Plugin python>
# is at path /opt/collectd-plugins/
ModulePath "/opt/collectd-plugins/"
Import "mongodb"
<Module mongodb>
Host ""
Password "password"
Database "admin" "db-prod" "db-dev"
The data-sets in types.db need to be added to the types.db file given by the collectd.conf TypesDB directive. See the types.db(5) man page for more information.
If you're monitoring a secured MongoDB deployment, declaring a user with minimal read-only roles is a good practice, such as :
db.createUser( {
user: "collectd",
pwd: "collectd",
roles: [ { role: "readAnyDatabase", db: "admin" }, { role: "clusterMonitor", db: "admin" } ]