install deps
init submodules
git submodule update --init --recursive
install foundry
foundry tests:
yarn test
hardhat VotingEscrow.sol tests:
npx hardhat test
see coverage stats:
yarn coverage
install this plugin:
run yarn coverage:lcov
then run Display Coverage
via Command Pallate
- SECT.sol is Sector token
- VotingEscrow.sol is veSECT forked for fiatDAO
- bSECT.sol is a token that can be converted to SECT token given a set price. User sends x bSECT tokens + x * price of underlying tokens and recieves SECT tokens.
- lveSECT is a token that can be redemeed for veSECT w a 6m lockup at the time of conversion.
- RewardDistributor is a Merkle distributor that distributes 50% bSECT + 50% lveSECT