Simple to use zap log with file-rotatelogs
go get -u
func main() {
log, err := logger.NewDefault()
if err != nil {
log.Debug("hello world!")
log.Info("today is holiday!")
// Set the stack trace level to debug
log.SetStacktraceLevel("debug").Info("I came to the Old Summer Palace!")
// Show call line number
log.Showline().Error("BUt i didn't bring cash!", zap.Error(errors.New("Fuck")))
// Turn off print colors
log.NoColor().Info("I received a message on my phone!")
// Print as json format
log.SetJSONStyle().Warn("It's going to rain in the afternoon!", zap.String("start from", "14:00"), zap.String("probability ", "60%"))
// Turn off print stack
log.CloseStacktrace().Fatal("But I forgot to bring an umbrella!", zap.Error(errors.New("not found")))
The default configuration is to print with color level and log level above "info". When the level is higher than "error", the stack will be traced and the call line will not be displayed.
log levels from low to high: "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "dpanic", "panic", "fatal",
When the default configuration does not meet the requirements, please use a custom configuration logger.New(Config)
type Config struct {
Level string // log print level, default "info"
// Please make sure the folder exists or has permission to read and write
Dir string // log output folder
Prefix string // prefix on each line to identify the logger
TimeFormat string // the time format of each line in the log
MaxAge int // max age (days) of each log file, default 7 days
Color bool // the color of log level
ShowLine bool // show log call line number
Stacktrace string // stack trace log level
Encoder string // log encoding format, divided into "json" and "console", default "console"
The following is the console output of the default configuration
$ go run example/main.go
2021/06/22 - 10:14:13.067 INFO today is holiday!
2021/06/22 - 10:14:13.068 INFO I came to the Old Summer Palace!
2021/06/22 - 10:14:13.068 ERROR /home/mazhuang/zaplogger/example/main.go:28 BUt i didn't bring cash! {"error": "Fuck"}
2021/06/22 - 10:14:13.068 INFO I received a message on my phone!
{"level":"\u001b[33mWARN\u001b[0m","time":"2021/06/22 - 10:14:13.068","message":"It's going to rain in the afternoon!","start from":"14:00","probability ":"60%"}
2021/06/22 - 10:14:13.068 FATAL But I forgot to bring an umbrella! {"error": "not found"}
exit status 1
- v0.1.4: logger add a method of get gin log config
- v0.1.3: gin force print color log
- v0.1.2: add gin logger
- v0.1.1: add logger config
- v0.1.0: first commit