A program based on socket protocol that uses a Raspberry Pi with touchscreen to control a computer via shortcuts
- Why?
- How it Works
- Screenshots
- Security
- Installation
- Configuration
- Usage
- Default Shortcuts
- Enhancements
- Technologies
- Compatibility
- ToDo
- Known Issues
- License
Because using the keyboard and mouse, especially while you're doing something else, like video calling, can be really unconfortable. And also, control a computer with a touch screen seems really c o o l.
The project is composed of 3 parts, called "components".
- PC Component, which runs on the main computer (with linux operating system) and which consists of a socket server
- RASP Component, which is made to run on a Raspberry Pi with a touchscreen and it's the client
- RASPCLI Component, an alternative to RASP components, for devices that do not have a graphical environment (for example Termux on android)
The RASP (or raspcli) component send an encrypted index to the PC, which corresponds to a certain function. The PC gets the index, run the command and eventually returns the result or the status of the command.
It also exist the RASPBIG Component, which is equal to rasp but the GUI is optimized for high resolution touchscreen monitors (>800x480)
The user interface may vary depending on the QT settings on your system
The packets are encrypted before sending with AES-128 encryption algorithm. By default is hardcoded a 128 bit key and a 128 bit initialization vector. Please generate a new key and insert it into the code on rasp component, raspBig component, raspCli component and on pc component
The library used for the encryption is PyCryptoDome
Clone this repository:
git clone https://gitlab.com/seepiol/rasp2pc.git
Move into the folder
cd rasp2pc
Install the dependencies
python3 -m pip install --user -r requirements.txt
sudo apt update && sudo apt-get install qt5-default pyqt5-dev pyqt5-dev-tools
Make sure that all the dependencies are installed by typing pip install -r requirements.txt
On debian-based distros, install PyQt5 by typing in a terminal window sudo apt install python3-pyqt5
First of all, you need to make sure that the shortcuts file is correct for your pc's system and good for you (more here) You have to add the ip address of the PC on the rasp.conf configuration file. For example, if the ip address of the PC is, and the socket is listening to the port 10000 (as default), rasp.conf will be:, 10000
By default is used the port 10000, and the PC accept connection for every IP address. See usage to learn how to bind the server on different address/port.
For security reasons, generate a cryptographic key and insert it into the code (see security
Make sure to add a firewall exception on port 10000
$ cd rasp2pc
$ python3 pc.py
Will accept any address on port 10000.
At the moment of the connection you can accept or deny the connection by typing yes
or no
('', 55230) is trying to connect to this pc.
('', 55230) seems to be a RASP component
Do you want to accept this connection? <Y es/N o>: y
Connection with ('', 55230) accepted
('', 55232) is trying to connect to this pc.
('', 55232) seems to be a RASP component
Do you want to accept this connection? <Y es/N o>: n
Connection Denied
PC component also support CLI Arguments:
$ python pc.py -h
usage: pc.py [-h] [--host HOST] [--port PORT]
Rasp2Pc PC Component
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--host HOST the addess the where socket server will be listening (default=everyone)
--port PORT the port where the server will be listening (default=10000)
If you want to bind the server on a different address or port, you can specify that using
$ python3 pc.py --host --port 20222
⚠️ The ports below 1024 are called "privileged". Theoretically, you can call pc.py with superuser privileges and use there ports, but this is disabled for security reasons.
Just type
$ cd rasp2pc
$ python3 rasp.py
in this way, RASP will follow the instructions contained in the rasp.conf file. if you want to change the settings just once, you can do so from the CLI Arguments
$ python rasp.py -h
usage: rasp.py [-h] [--host HOST] [--port PORT]
Rasp2Pc RASP Component
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--host HOST the addess of the PC Component (default=)
--port PORT the port of the PC Component (default=10000)
So, if you want to connect the RASP component to a different PC (Ex.
) on a different port (Ex. 3042
), you must type
$ python rasp.py --host --port 3042
ELI5, the cli arguments will temporarily overwrite rasp.conf
configuration file
The usage is equal to the RASP Component, but the GUI is bigger and T H I C C, made for high resolution monitor (800x420)
This component is the equal to RASP but without GUI. It's made for non-GUI systems, For example TERMUX on android phones.
python raspcli.py --host <pcipaddress>
By default, the program has 3 system functions shortcuts, 6 shortcuts for launching programs / commands and 6 keyboard shortcuts.
The system functions are defined in shortcuts.json
, and the format is "name":"command"
Please note that system function icons must be contained in icons/
and must have the same name as the key inserted in the shortcuts.json file, followed by the .png extension. For example, if a system action is "network":"ifconfig wlan0 down"
, in icons/
there must be an icon called network.png
You can download the icons from material.io
<------- SEE HERE
Function | Command |
Reboot PC | reboot |
Lock session | loginctl lock-session |
Mute audio | amixer -D pulse sset Master 0% |
The labels and the commands are defined in shortcuts.json file, app list.
For the consistency between rasp(s) component and pc the shortcuts file must be identical.
The file format is "label":"command",
, and each line is contained in the app
section of shortcuts.json
<------ SEE HERE
The default programs shortcuts are:
Program/Action (label) | Subprocess Command |
Mozilla Firefox Browser | firefox |
Terminal* | Default terminal |
Virtualbox | virtualbox |
File Manager* | nautilus |
VS Codium | vscodium |
App Store* | pamac-manager |
Telegram | telegram-desktop |
Libreoffice Launcher | libreoffice |
Mozilla Thunderbird | thunderbird |
Screen Recording | obs --startrecording |
The actions marked with an asterisk (*) are system specific.
The labels and the keyboard shortcut keys are defined in shortcut file.
The format is label:keys
<------ SEE HERE
Currently shortcuts can only be made up of 1 or 2 keys. You have to follow the list below:
Key | Syntax |
Alt | alt |
Alt Gr | alt_gr |
Alt Right | alt_r |
Alt Left | alt_l |
Backspace | backspace |
Caps Lock | caps_lock |
Command | cmd |
Command Right | cmd_r |
Command Left | cmd_l |
Control | ctrl |
Control Right | ctrl_r |
Control Left | ctrl_l |
Delete | delete |
Arrow Down | down |
End | end |
Enter | enter |
Esc | esc |
Function Key 1-20 | f1 |
Home | home |
Insert | insert |
Media Next | media_next |
Media Play Pause | media_play_pause |
Media Previous | media_previous |
Media Volume Up | media_volume_up |
Media Volume Down | media_volume_down |
Media Volume Mute | media_volume_mute |
Menu | menu |
Num Lock | num_lock |
Page Down | page_down |
Page Up | page_up |
Pause | pause |
Media Volume Up | media_volume_up |
Media Volume Down | media_volume_down |
Media Volume Mute | media_volume_mute |
Menu | menu |
Num Lock | num_lock |
Page Down | page_down |
Page Up | page_up |
Pause | pause |
Print Screen | print_screen |
Arrow Right | right |
Scroll Lock | scroll_lock |
Shift | shift |
Shift Right | shift_r |
Shift Left | shift_l |
Space | space |
Tab | tab |
Arrow Up | up |
The default shortcuts are:
Function | Keys | Usage |
Undo | Ctrl+Z | Everywhere |
Copy | Ctrl+C | Everywhere |
Cut | Ctrl+X | Everywhere |
Paste | Ctrl+V | Everywhere |
Mic ON/OFF | Ctrl+D | Google Meet |
Webcam ON/OFF | Ctrl+E | Google Meet |
Fullscreen | F11 | Everywhere |
Screenshot (spectacle) | PRTSC | everywhere |
Close Window | Alt+F4 | everywhere |
Blank | - | - |
If you want to know more about keyboard shortcuts, view PyNput documentation.
If you want to launch rasp2pc components by clicking an icon instead of opening the terminal, follow the instructions below
Remember to replace <RASP2PC_PATH>
with the path of rasp2pc folder, and <COMPONENT>
with the component name (pc
, rasp
, raspbig
, raspcli
Create a file named
(for example,rasp2pc-rasp.py
) in.local/share/applications/
Open the .desktop file and paste the code below
[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=Rasp2Pc-<COMPONENT> component
Exec=cd <RASP2PC_PATH>/ && python3 <COMPONENT>.py
This procedure is available only on linux distributions
The PC component can be executed as a systemd daemon. In order to do that you'll only need to create a systemd unit file and tweak the source code of the pc component a little bit.
In the rasp2pc directory, open the file called rasp2pcd.service
with a text editor. It will look something like this:
Description=Runs Rasp2PC PC component in daemonized mode
ExecStart=/usr/bin/python /home/<USER>/rasp2pc/pc.py -d
Replace <USER>
with your username.
Open a new shell, and from your user directory move into .config/systemd/user/
$ cd .config/systemd/user/
If the directory doesn't exist, create it.
Link the unit file (contained in the rasp2pc folder) by typing
$ ln -s /home/<USER>/rasp2pc/rasp2pcd.service
Replace <USER>
with your username.
Return back to the rasp2pc folder, and open the PC Component source code (pc.py
). Go to the line 239
and replace
with open("shortcuts.json", "r") as shortcuts_file:
with open("/home/<USER>/rasp2pc/shortcuts.json") as shortcuts_file:
Replace <USER>
with your username.
To start the daemon, type in a terminal window:
$ systemctl --user start rasp2pcd
That's it!
- Python 3
- Socket - communication between pc and raspberry
- Subprocess - execute commands on pc
- Pynput - emulates keyboard shortcuts
- PyQt5 - GUI for rasp component
- amixer - mute the pc
- PyCryptodome - encrypt packets with AES-128
I've succesfully tested all the components on these configs:
- PC and RASP on Manjaro GNU/Linux (Plasma)
- PC and RASP on Manjaro GNU/Linux (GNOME)
- PC and RASP on GNU/LINUX antiX-19
- PC and RASP on Microsoft Windows 10 *
- PC and RASP on WSL Ubuntu
- PC and RASP (including RASPCLI) on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (GNOME)
- PC and RASP on Arch Linux (i3wm)
- PC and RASP on Fedora 32 (Plasma)
- PC on Arch Linux (Plasma)
- RASP on Raspberry Pi 3B+ Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (Buster) (now raspberry pi os) & 800x480 5 inch touchscreen monitor
- RASPCLI on Termux (Android 10)
Feel free to test it on your machine and open an issue to let me know if it works.
* : see Windows for windows configuration
I made this on linux, and I've tested on it all of the time. It should work on every distro without problems.
To make the PC component compatible with windows, it's enough to customize the shortcuts.json.
The command should be start <executable filename>
. If the executable is in the path, is enough to insert start <name>
For example:
Firefox, start firefox
At the moment, the only way to make the system actions work on windows is to change the code.
RASP and RASPBIG components are compatible by default.
It teorically works (because it uses the bash shell), both pc and rasp, but I haven't tested yet.
- Unify app execution functions
- Unify keyboard shortcuts execution functions
- Unify system actions execution functions
- Confiration popup when reboot sysfunction
- Shortcuts.json for system actions and keyboard shortcuts
- Leave applications open after shutting down pc component
- DRY on index sending functions (RASP,RASPBIG)
- DRY on application startup functions (PC)
- Update RASPCLI
- Improve error handling
- Test Mac Os support
- System Tray Icon and actions (exit, )
- permit the execution of the rasp component even if the pc is down
- Rasp Autostart option
- Pc autostart option
- simple pc component ui (tkinter?)
- more actions (with python libs maybe, not just subprocess and keyboard)
- password instead of just AES
- OOP implementation (python is weird, maybe in another language)
- kde plugin
If the PC component is turned off (Ctrl+C) with a RASP component still connected, PC will give you
Something went wrong: [Errno 98] Address already in use
. This is a system issue. Close the RASP component and wait 1 minute more or less, and restart the PC component -
If a RASP connects to PC the second time, the first command that will be selected on rasp won't work. That's because when a RASP component reconnects to PC it sends to the socket a weird undecodable string. It's an annoying bug but it solves this issue
GNU General Public License v3.
See LICENSE for more details .