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Installation of Server and DB API Server

Mario Velazquez edited this page Aug 20, 2021 · 5 revisions

Instruction on Setting Up the Server & DB Server

How-To Guides

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Installation of Main Server
  3. Installation of DB API Server
  4. What about the Game?

1. Prerequisites

  1. To use either of the servers, you must have Nodejs installed. (
  2. To use the Database, you must have MongoDB installed (
  3. We are going to need the server file and the API file. This is located at in ./RobotON DB, ./RobotON Server and ./Bat-Term (Just download the branch, and use that three file)

2. Installation of Server

  • Lazy Way

    1. To install it just issue npm install -g http-server command in your terminal window
    2. To use it, go to the directory that contains all the file. In this case RobotON Server/
    3. In the terminal issue the command which will start the server in port 8080
      http-server ./ -p8080
  • The way I used (not preferred)

    • The reason why this is not preferred is that this server was set up to listen to any incoming changes from Github. If there were any changes, it would start the auto compiler. However, the server would get knocked offline, since it wouldn't know how to handle some request

    • if you are planning to use this server to auto compile, then there are two options.

      • Auto Compile with Mail (Only use this on a test server, Not for Production)

        1. To receive mail on when the compile started and ended you first must make a JSON file called config.json located outside of the RobotON Server directory

        2. The content of the file inside look like this (Yes storing password openly):

              "email": "EMAIL FOR SENDING TO EMAIL2",
              "password" : "EMAIL PASSWORD",
              "email2" : "EMAIL FOR RECEIVING EMAIL"
        3. Setup the Github webhook in your Github Project setting

        4. Depending on what system you are using, we will need to configure the script accordingly

          1. In RobotON Server/ there is either a file called or run.bat(Window)
            1. In run.bat or you are going to have to set the path to where your Unity installation is installed, and on the same line, where -projectPath is located, set the path to where the project is being held at
            2. The first cd command in the run.bat, should have the appropriate path on where the server is located, the second should be the appropriate path to where the Bat-Term Script is being held
          2. In server.js line 64 child.spawn("./"); change the to run.bat if you are using Windows
        5. In the directory of RobotON Server, opening the terminal, and type in npm start

        6. You should be good, if there is any trouble, it could just be a path problem

      • Auto Compile without Mail

        1. Setup the Github webhook in your Github Project setting

        2. Depending on what system you are using, we will need to configure the script accordingly

          1. In RobotON Server/ there is either a file called or run.bat(Window)
            1. In run.bat or you are going to have to set the path to where your Unity installation is installed, and on the same line, where -projectPath is located, set the path to where the project is being held at
            2. The first cd command in the run.bat, should have the appropriate path on where the server is located, the second should be the appropriate path to where the Bat-Term Script is being held
          2. In server.js line 64 child.spawn("./"); change the to run.bat if you are using Windows
        3. In server.js comment out this code

              var transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
                  service: 'gmail',
                  auth: {
                      pass: config.password

          and this code

              if(jsonString.commits.length != 0){
                  console.log("Git Push Request");
                  var dateTime = new Date();
                  //The code below should be commented out
                  sendEmail("Unity Compilation Notice!", "Started Compiling at " + dateTime );
        4. In the directory of RobotON Server, opening the terminal, and type in npm start

DB Server Installation

  • Installation

    • To use the DB such that the game can be communicated with server, we are going to use the ./RobotON DB Directory
    1. In the terminal, type mongod, this will start the DB server. If the command mongod is not found, you may have to set the appropriate path. If it does launches but quickly closes, then you may have to set the /data/db directory in your system. Make sure to type 'mongod' in the drive that the '/data/db' directory is located in.
    2. In another Terminal, navigate to the location of './RobotON DB' Directory and type npm start
    3. You are done! :)
  • What does it store?

The model on which the DB store data is :

 var roboSchema = new Schema({
    name: {
        type: String,
        unique: true,
        required: 'Please Enter your name!'
    username: String,
    timeStarted: String,
    totalPoints: String,
    currentPoints: String,
    speedUpgrades: String,
    xpUpgrades: String,
    resistanceUpgrade: String,
    energyUpgrades: String,
    upgrades: [{
        name: String,
        timestamp: String,
        prePoints: String,
        curPoints: String,
        name: String,
        time: String,
        progress: String,
        timeStarted: String,
        timeEnded: String,
        stars: String,
        points: String,
        totalPoint: String,
        timeBonus: String,
        finalEnergy: String,
        AdaptiveCategorization: String,
        AdaptiveMode: String,
        HintMode: String,
        failures: String,
        hitByEnemy: String,
        failedToolUse: String,
        bugLine: Number,
        idleTime: Number,
        events : [{
            eventName: String,
            eventType: String,
            line: Number,
            success: Boolean,
            elapsedTime: String,
            realTime: String,
            preEnergy: String,
            finEnergy: String,
            position: {
                x_pos: String,
                y_pos: String,
            comment: String,

var courseSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
        type: String,
        unique: true,
        required: 'Please Enter your course code!'
    students: [roboSchema],
  • API Call Usage

Work in progress so these may change:

For RoboON

URL endpoint Method What it does
/logsON GET,POST GET: Returns all Data in DB POST: Used for putting Initial Data to DB
/logsON/:sessionID GET,PUT GET: Returns Data that is tied to that SessionID PUT: Put Initial Level Data to DB
/logsON/completedlevels/:sessionID GET GET: Returns all completed level that is tied to the sessionID, plus the level the user was on
/logsON/currentlevel/:sessionID/:name PUT PUT: Put Data to the current level that the sessionID is tied to name is there to Put certain data
/logsON/points/:sessionID/:name GET,PUT GET: Returns points that are tied to the sessionID PUT: Puts points that are tied to the sessionID name is there to Get/Put certain points
/logsON/check/:word GET GET: Returns true if the username exists, or if the username has explicit word else it would return false (NOT IN USE)
/logsON/leaderboard/:levelName GET GET: Returns all user with points, and the ranking (NOT IN USE)

For RoboBUG

URL endpoint Method What it does
/logsBUG GET,POST GET: Returns all Data in DB POST: Used for putting Initial Data to DB
/logsBUG/:sessionID GET,PUT GET: Returns Data that is tied to that SessionID PUT: Put Initial Level Data to DB
/logsBUG/completedlevels/:sessionID GET GET: Returns all completed level that is tied to the sessionID, plus the level the user was on
/logsBUG/currentlevel/:sessionID/:name PUT PUT: Put Data to the current level that the sessionID is tied to name is there to Put certain data
/logsBUG/points/:sessionID/:name GET,PUT GET: Returns points that are tied to the sessionID PUT: Puts points that are tied to the sessionID name is there to Get/Put certain points
/logsON/check/:word GET GET: Returns true if the username exist, or if the username has explicit word else it would return false (NOT IN USE)
/logsON/leaderboard/:levelName GET GET: Returns all user with points, and the ranking (NOT IN USE)

Yes, What about the Game?

Well Assuming you have the game compiled for web, and you know the directory, There are two options

  1. Put the game folder, where the Game File server is located, and all you have to do is enter in the browser <URL>:<Port>\(BuildFolderName)
  2. Using the lazy way in Installing the Server, Go into the build file, and launch http-server from there

In terms of compiling the game for the web, make sure to have WebGL support for unity in the build settings make sure to build with WebGL. Make sure that Title Screen is the first scene in the build.

You will want to build the game inside the './RobotON Server' Directory, that way you have the correct assets and to simplify launching the server. After you are done building navigate to './RobotON Server' and launch 'http-server' from there.

What about ports?

Assuming you have port forwarded some other ports than the one I used, it is really simple,

  • For the http-server, just set the -p argument with the port number you like
  • For ./RobotON Server, just set the port number in server.js to whatever you like, the same thing with ./RobotON DB
  • I would suggest leaving mongo port not forwarded, and kept the same

Using Docker for production server

We have a separate branch at that has the file structure and dockerfile you need to make the docker image.

You'll want to make 2 separate Docker images. One for the RobotON DB and then another for RobotON Server.

  • For the RobotON DB just go into the folder and then create the docker image there.
  • For the RobotON Server you will see the index.html that is a simple webpage to redirect to the different game modes, change the links to redirect where the server is. Then but your build of each game in their respective folders and create the Docker Image once in the RobotON Server Folder.

That's it

If there is any problem/question, just send me an email, and I'll reply as quickly as I could