Python module to query SQL databases and return numpy arrays, upload tables and run join queries involving local arrays and the tables in the DB. This module is optimized to deal efficiently with query results with millions of rows. The module works with PostgreSQL, SQLite and DuckDB databases.
The full documentation is available here
Author: Sergey Koposov (Uni of Cambridge/CMU/Uni of Edinburgh)
To install the package you just need to do pip install.
pip install sqlutilpy
Throughout this readme, I will assume that if you are using PostgreSQL, then the .pgpass file ( ) has been created with your login/password details for Postgresql. If that is not the case, many of the commands given below will also need user='....' and password='...' options
Most of the sqlutilpy commands require hostname, database name, user etc. If you don't want to always type it, you can use standard PostgreSQL environment variables like PGPORT, PGDATABASE, PGUSER, PGHOST for the port, database name, user name and hostname of the connection.
This command will run the query and put the columns into variables ra,dec
import sqlutilpy
ra,dec = squtilpy.get('select ra,dec from mytable',
By default sqlutilpy.get executes the query and returns the tuple with results. You can return the results as dictionary using asDict option.
x = np.arange(10)
y = x**.5
This will create a table called mytable with columns xcol and ycol
Imagine you have arrays myid and y and you want to to extract all the information from somebigtable for objects with id=myid. In principle you could upload the arrays in the DB and run a query, but local_join function does that for you.
myid = np.arange(10)
y = np.random.uniform(size=10)
R=sqlutilpy.local_join('''select * from mytmptable as m,
somebigtable as s where order by m.myid''',
'mytmptable',(myid, y),('myid','ycol'))
It executes a query as if you arrays were in mytmptable. (behind the scenes it uploads the data to the db and runs a query)
Often it is beneficial to preserve an open connection to the database. You can do that if you first obtain the connection using sqlutilpy.getConnection() and then provide it directly to sqlutil.get() and friends using conn=conn argument
conn = sqlutilpy.getConnection(db='mydb', user='meuser', password='something', host='hostname')
R= sqlutilpy.get('select 1', conn=conn)
R1= sqlutilpy.get('select 1', conn=conn)
If you use this package, please cite it through zenodo