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Piste Codes and Names

seigel edited this page May 12, 2022 · 1 revision

Each fencing piste has a code a name. The code of the piste is used only in commands and must conform with the requirements of the present protocol. The name of the piste is visible to the spectators and athletes and has a freestyle form (it should not contain delimiting character «|» in coding ASCII)

Piste codes:

Piste Code Description
1 Piste1
2 Piste2
59 Piste 59
BLUE Piste blue in final area
YELLOW Piste yellow in final area
GREEN Piste green in final area
RED Piste red in final area
FINAL Piste final podium.

Remark: If you have two or more colored areas, then apply the following principles:

Piste Code Description
59 Piste final podium in the second color area
58 Piste red in the second color area
57 Piste green in the second color area
56 Piste yellow in the second color area
55 Piste blue in the second color area
54 Piste final podium in the third color area
53 Piste red in the third color area
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