A WiFi Connected RGB LED Strip using MQTT. Read the full blog post at selfhostedhome.com.
A second blogpost details the effects for syncing up the LEDs to music. This is also available at selfhostedhome.com.
Please refer to the blog post for more information. Essentially this is using WS2811 LED strips controlled by a NodeMCU. For music based effects I use the MSGEQ7 for audio processing..
Check out the schematic/
folder for more information.
This repository uses PlatformIO for building the embedded software for the NodeMCU. Check out their installation docs for more information on how to get started with PlatformIO.
The code here supports:
- Control over MQTT topics
- Color Fill
- Synchronize LEDs to Music
- Different Effects
- rainbow
- rainbow_with_glitter
- confetti
- sinelon
- bpm
- juggle
- candycane
- party_colors
- rotate_party_colors
- Music Based Effects
- music_rainbow
- music_rgb
- music_rotate_party_colors
- music_cycle_
- Over the Air Updates
To get started rename the src/config_template.h
file to src/config.h
Afterwards update the MQTT topics, WiFi information and LED strip information
to match your setup.
Refer to the Home Assistant yaml snippet in the homeassistant
directory for
how to set up MQTT lights in Home Assistant.