Welcome! If you're looking to report a bug in SYNG, or would like to request a feature or enhancement, this is the place for it. Please read through this document first, though.
For usage-related questions, use the Discord server instead.
Head straight to https://github.com/semantic-works/syng-issues/issues for a list of all issues or click Issues
in the navigation bar on the almost-top.
Use Github's reactions feature to vote on issues. Simple "+1" comments with no further content will be deleted without notice.
You can also use labels to filter the list of issues.
- Search for the issue here to check if it was already reported.
- You can use labels for filtering the issue list by clicking any of these related to the problem you want to report or request.
- Start with a descriptive but concise subject that quickly and uniquely identifies the problem.
- Write a summary of the problem in a few lines, giving an idea of what the issue is about.
- Then, describe the bug with all the information you can give.
Be sure to include the following information:
- Operating System
- The version of SYNG that you're using
- The platform you're using SYNG in (e.g. VS Code, or CLI)
- The query you're trying to evaluate (you can safely redact any literals that might contain sensitive information)
Also keep in mind to clearly separate fact from speculation.
- Try to find a way to reproduce the problem and write down precise steps. It might be useful to include a code example for this. That is, the JavaScript/TypeScript source code, not just the query.
- Workarounds or other related tips on how to avoid the issue are welcome.
We won't slaughter you if you can't fulfill all of these steps, but prepare to answer a few questions if we think we're lacking information.
If you want to be really good at reporting bugs, you can also read these guidelines for bugzilla bugs.
- Start with a descriptive but concise subject that quickly and uniquely identifies the issue.
- Explain briefly what the enhancement is and why you think it would be useful.
- Provide any other necessary or useful information regarding your issue, such as (code) examples or related links.
Note: "enhancements" are modifications to existing behavior as opposed to something entirely new.