lab manager for plate maps and sequence flows
Labman relies on the Qiita database. You will need first to install Qiita in a different environment (Qiita is Python 2 only, while labman is Python 3) and create the Qiita database using the [Qiita installation instructions] (
Once Qiita is installed, create a new environment for labman and install labman. For installing labman, install first the qiita_client library:
pip install
Then, you can install labman by simply running:
pip install -e .
Configure labman by running labman config and answer to the configuration questions:
labman config
Path to the configuration file [~/.labman.cfg]:
Main configuration:
Test environment [True]:
Postgres configuration:
Postgres host [localhost]:
Postgres port [5432]:
Database name [qiita]:
Postgres user [labman]:
Postgres user password []:
Postgres admin user [labman]:
Postgres admin user password []:
Qiita configuration (for testing purposes):
Qiita server certificate []: /PATH/TO/qiita_core/support_files/server.crt
Finally, apply the SQL patches in the Qiita database so the labman structures are created:
psql -d qiita_test -f labman/db/support_files/db_patch.sql
psql -d qiita_test -f labman/db/support_files/db_patch_manual.sql