Switch your Sony 3D TV automaticly to 3D SBS/TAB Mode and back to 2D when the Kodi GUI Switch the Modes
- Sony KDL-50W685A
- Sony KDL-50W805B
- Sony KDL-50W805C
- Sony KD-65X8507C
- Sony ??????????? - Select TV Model "Unknown" in Settings and set press UP/Down Options for SBS and Tab Mode manually
- Go to the Addon Settings, type in the TV's IP Adress and save the Settings
- Open the Settings again and select "Start Authentication with TV"
- Type in the 4 digit Code the TV will display and press OK
- When all was OK the "Cookie Authentication Key" was filled out automatically
When Kodi is installed directly on the TV (Android) and the remote is blocked when the TV show the Code, the Authentication Process is different:
- In the settings set TV IP to and save
- Open the Settings again and select "Start Authentication with TV"
- Write down the 4 digit Key in a file named "kodiauth"
- Copy the file over FTP or whatever in Kodi temp dir (Android Path: /sdcard/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/temp/)
- Now the Authentication will automatically finished