SpecRepair is a tool for neural network repair. It aims at creating neural networks with mathematical safety guarantees. Safety guarantees are mandatory for applying neural networks in safety-critical domains. To obtain such guarantees, SpecRepair uses the ERAN verifier. Repair is based on constrained optimisation using the L1 penalty function method, leveraging neural network training algorithms. For more information on SpecRepair, see SPIN 2022 or arXiv.
This repository contains the source code for the publication "A Robust Optimisation Perspective on Counterexample-Guided Repair of Neural Networks" by David Boetius, Stefan Leue and Tobias Sutter, accepted at ICML 2023. You can download the experimental data presented in this paper from Zenodo.
author = {David Boetius and Stefan Leue and Tobias Sutter},
title = {A Robust Optimisation Perspective on Counterexample-Guided Repair of Neural Networks},
journal = {CoRR},
volume = {abs/2301.11342},
year = {2023},
doi = {10.48550/arXiv.2301.11342},
note = {accepted for ICML 2023}
Naming: For historical reasons, SpecAttack is called DeepOpt in this repository and SpecRepair is called L1 penalty repair. For more information on SpecRepair and SpecAttack, see SPIN 2022 or arXiv.
This repository does neither contains the networks and datasets
used in the experiments, not the experimental results.
You can either download this data from Zenodo.
The networks and datasets necessary for running the experiments
are also downloaded automatically, when you run the setup.sh
(more on this script below).
This project is tested on Ubuntu 2022.04 LTS.
To get started,
you need an installation of Ubuntu 2022.04.
If you want to make use of a CUDA device (GPU), you need to install the
NVIDIA drivers.
Check that the nvidia-smi
command line tool is available.
Later on, you also need a Gurobi license.
Academic users can obtain a free academic license from www.gurobi.com.
The license needs to be placed in $HOME/gurobi.lic
More on this below.
In Ubuntu 2022.04, start a terminal, navigate to the folder where this README is placed and run
This automatically installs system dependencies and
creates a new python environment in ./env-nn-repair
The script also install the ERAN verifier and downloads
some resource files.
To pull dependencies, the script requires an internet connection.
Also, the script queries you for sudo rights to install system dependencies.
Alternatively, you may go through the script and execute each command manually.
The setup.sh
script checks whether nvidia-smi
is available, to determine
whether a CUDA device is available.
When it finds nvidia-smi
, it automatically installs the GPU version
of ERAN and PyTorch.
For running the ERAN verifier, you need a Gurobi license.
First, register with Gurobi and request a new academic license (if you are eligible)
as described here.
The Gurobi site will display you a license key, that you can use to
download a license using grbgetkey
The setup.sh
script installed the grbgetkey
script as part of ERAN.
To use it, do the following
cd eran/gurobi*/linux64/ # navigate to the gurobi installation
# the Gurobi installation is owned by the root user currently
sudo chown -R "$NOT_ROOT_USER" .
cd bin/
# Now you can run grbgetkey
# keep the defaults, so that the license is installed in $HOME/gurobi.lic.
# setup.sh assumes that location.
./grbgetkey YOUR_LICESE_KEY
Activate the new virtual environment, navigate to the experiments/
and run one of the shell scripts.
source ./env-nn-repair/bin/activate
cd experiments/
./mnist_early_exit_1.sh # or another experiment
There are several experiments in the experiments/
- acasxu_early_exit_1.sh - Runs the optimal vs. early-exit and falsifier experiments using ACAS Xu
- collision_detection_early_exit_3.sh - Runs the optimal vs. early-exit experiments using CollisionDetection
- mnist_early_exit_1.sh - Runs the optimal vs. early-exit and falsifier experiments using MNIST
- ouroboros_rmi_early_exit_1.sh - Runs the optimal vs. early-exit experiments using the first stage RMI networks
- ouroboros_rmi_compare_1.sh - Runs the linear regression repair experiments using SpecRepair and Ouroboros
All experiments place their output in output/
The networks before repair are contained in resources/
The scipts/
directory contains code for training networks,
for interpreting the experiments and the Quadratic Programming RMI experiment
- ouroboros_rmi_second_stage_repair_quadratic_programming.sh - Runs the linear regression repair experiments using Quadratic Programming
Each experiment generates a logfile, counterexample, and network checkpoints
and potentially a repaired network.
Most information is contained in the logfile.
To extract and aggregate this information, run the collec_experiment_results.py
script in scripts/
For experiments that perform multiple repetitions, in particular MNIST,
CollisionDetection, and repairing the first-stage RMI networks,
you also need to aggregate the repetitions.
For example,
# We are currently in experiments/ and mnist_early_exit_1.sh has finished running
# mnist_early_exit_1.sh has created many directories in output/mnist_repair_1
# that each have a timestamp as name
cd ../scripts
# The python virtual environment is assumed to be still active
# This command aggregates the several repetitions of each experiment
# For ACAS Xu, you can skip this step
python select_by_median_runtime.py \
--experiment_dirs ../output/mnist_repair_1/* \ # we use globs to include all experiment output directories
--group_by falsifiers verifier_exit_mode \ # group runs by these command line arguments of the experiments/mnist_repair_1.py script
--output_path ../output/mnist/repair_1/ \ # where to put the aggregated data
--output_prefix collected # a name prefix for directories containing the aggregated data
# This prints some statistics about the experiments and emits warnings.
# The number of warnings are summarised in the last output lines.
# Check the warnings to see whether your experiments ran alright (some variation is expected).
# Now we use collect_experiment_results.py to extract data from the aggregation directories.
python collect_experiment_results.py \
--counterexample_violation_at_generation \ # useful to compare falsifiers/verifiers
--count_introduced_counterexamples \ # also nice to know, there are more options what to extract
--detailed_runtimes \ # these three options are necessary for later analysis
../output/mnist_repair_1/collected_optimal/ # one of the aggregation directories created before
# run the above command for the other aggregation directories.
# For ACAS Xu, directly run the above command on the time-stamped output directories
# created by experiments/acasxu_early_exit_1.sh.
# With the results, collected, we can plot the data and interpret the results
python early_exit_cactus_plots.py \ # does more than just cactus plots
--optimal ../output/mnist_repair_1/collected_optimal \
--early_exit ../output/mnist_repair_1/collected_early_exit \
# This script can also export the data for visualisation using
# the --export and --output_dir command line options.
To analyse the ACAS Xu results, scripts/
contains a few more scripts
that are used to analyse experiments:
- acasxu_calculate_fidelity.py - computes accuracy fidelity and MAE fidelity
- make_acasxu_table.py - create a LaTeX table containing listing the results of an ACAS Xu experiment
- plot_acasxu_fidelity.py - create plots of fidelity results, similarly to some plots of early_exit_cactus_plots
For experiments/ouroboros_compare_1.sh
don't run scripts/collect_experiment_results.py
Instead, use the much faster shell script scripts/collect_broad.sh
This is the only script you need to run to collect the results of this experiment.
Most source code is in nn_repair/
SpecAttack is found in the deep-opt/
The modified ERAN verifier is in eran/
If an experiments fails when running ERAN with an error from multiprocessing that pickling a 'PyCapsule' is not supported, something similar to this:
<multiprocessing.pool.ExceptionWithTraceback object at 0x123456789abc>'.
Reason: 'TypeError("cannot pickle 'PyCapsule' object")
then this is most likely because the GRB_LICENSE_FILE environment variable isn't set.
In this case, Gurobi could not find a license, but the precise
error message is eaten up by multiprocessing.
To fix the issue, set the GRB_LICENSE_FILE or provide a Gurobi license
in $HOME/gurobi.lic
The setup.sh
script sets GRB_LICENSE_FILE to that location.
Experiments may fail due to a "verification problem" when they run close to the
In that case, ERAN reports an error, but doesn't provide an error message.
It's likely in such a situation that ERAN was interrupted by the timeout
mechanism in experiments/experiment_base
, which uses an exception.
Because PyTorch data loaders may also eat up these exceptions, there is a
second separate timeout mechanism in the experiments.
The code contained in this repository is licensed at the terms of the Apache-2.0 license (see LICENSE file), unless stated otherwise.
Some original networks (ACAS Xu, MNIST, CIFAR10) come from different repositories. The repaired networks may constitute derived works of these networks. The directories (or a super-directory) which contain such networks contain a COPYRIGHT file that names the original copyright holder of the network and an attribution template.
All networks prefixed with 'eran_' are original networks from the ERAN repository. The copyright holder of these networks is the Secure, Reliable, and Intelligent Systems Lab (SRI), Department of Computer Science ETH Zurich (Copyright 2020).
All original ACAS Xu networks are copies of the networks used for Reluplex. (https://arxiv.org/abs/1702.01135, https://github.com/guykatzz/ReluplexCav2017):
G. Katz, C. Barrett, D. Dill, K. Julian and M. Kochenderfer. Reluplex: An Efficient SMT Solver for Verifying Deep Neural Networks. Proc. 29th Int. Conf. on Computer Aided Verification (CAV). Heidelberg, Germany, July 2017.
These networks are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The copyright holders of these networks are the authors listed above and Stanford University (2016-2017). Repaired networks may constitute derived works of these networks.
Before reusing any repaired network, check the experiment code to find out about the original network that is being repaired. The repaired network may constitute derived works of networks from different sources such as ERAN, that need to be attributed.