- Disable Magento newsletter emails if opt-in/out enabled - [#15]
- Add section to Admin panel for easy access to Smaily RSS-feed
- RSS-feed now supports multistore
- Opt-in emails trigger for newsletter from subscribers
- Opt-in trigger for subscribers changing their subscription state from settings page
- Opt-out trigger for subscribers changing their subscription state from settings page
- Google reCAPTCHA support for newsletter form
- Bugfix - provide initial value for unsubscriber offset
- Add support for direct products import to the Smaily RSS-feed.
- Refractor functionality to implement new API
- Customer Synchronization now removes unsubscribers from Magento store
- Store unsubscribers are also updated in Smaily system
- Use subdomain and username/password combination for authentication with Smaily
- Updated admin page look