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SenseCity Administration Panel Web Frontend

The project contains SenseCity's platform web interface for authorized users. Consists of new city signup functionality and administration dashboard (city and issues management).

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


What things you need to install the software and how to install them

  • NodeJS - JavaScript runtime environment
  • npm - (installed with NodeJS)
  • @angular/cli - Environment to test and build the Angular application
  • create a global application configuration file as 'config.json'
    "API": "https://{api_URL}/api/1.0",
        "{city_name_1}":{"lat": {latitude}, "lng": {longitude}, "zoom": {integer ~ [11 , 14]}},
        "{city_name_2}":{"lat": {city_2_latitude}, "lng": {city_2_longitude}, "zoom": {integer ~ [11 , 14]}},
  • (optional) create city's fixed points (ex. garbage bins, municipality lighting) configuration file as '{city_name}.json'
    "type": "fotistiko",
    "notes": [
    "loc": {
      "coordinates": [
    "type": "garbage",
    "notes": [
        "ANAKIKLOSI": "0" *OR* "1"
    "loc": {
      "coordinates": [


A step by step series of actions that tell you how to get a development env running

  • clone this repository
  • cd ./repository
  • npm install - (Install dependency packages from package.json)
  • provide the configurations files at src/assets/env-specific/
  • ng serve - (Deploy test server)


A step by step series of actions that tell you how to get a production application running

  • clone this repository
  • cd ./repository
  • npm install - (Install dependency packages from package.json)
  • provide the configurations files at src/assets/env-specific/
  • ng build --prod - (Build dist application files to upload in your server setup)
  • copy generated "dist" folder in server's root
  • application is live

Built With


Please contact us - NAM group - to get informed for the development process and workflow.


  • Kostis Trantzas - Initial work - kostistr

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the Apache2 License