Messaging Platform is a real-time messaging application that allows users to create accounts, send messages, and engage in live communication. It is built using a range of modern technologies with a focus on scalability, maintainability, and adherence to Clean Architecture principles and Domain-Driven Design (DDD). This document provides an overview of the system, its architecture, and instructions on how to set up and run the project.
- C#
- ASP.NET Core Web API – RESTful APIs for managing users, messages, and communication.
- Entity Framework Core – ORM for database access and management.
- MediatR – Mediator pattern implementation to handle commands and queries.
- SignalR – For real-time communication between users.
- Docker – Containerization for easy deployment and environment management.
- AutoMapper – Object mapping to simplify transformations between DTOs and domain entities.
- Angular – Client-side framework for building responsive and dynamic user interfaces.
- TypeScript – Strongly typed language for frontend development.
- xUnit – Unit testing framework.
- Moq – Mocking framework for unit tests.
- Integration Tests – Ensure that components interact correctly.
This project follows the Clean Architecture pattern, which emphasizes separation of concerns and independence of components:
Domain Layer: Contains core business logic and entities following DDD principles. This layer is completely isolated from any external dependencies.
Application Layer: Implements the application's use cases using MediatR for CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) and defines application service interfaces.
Infrastructure Layer: Contains implementations of the repository patterns, database context with EntityFrameworkCore, and integration with external systems like SignalR for real-time communication.
Presentation Layer (Web API): ASP.NET Core Web API exposing endpoints for user registration, authentication, and messaging functionalities.
Client (Frontend): Built using Angular and TypeScript, providing a user-friendly interface for account management and real-time messaging.
- User Authentication: Register and log in using secure authentication protocols.
- Real-Time Messaging: Chat with other users using real-time messaging powered by SignalR.
- Account Management: Create and manage user accounts.
- Message History: Persist chat messages and allow users to view message history.
- Scalable Architecture: Built with clean code principles, allowing for easy extension and maintenance.
- Docker
- Git
Clone the repository:
git clone cd MessagingPlatform
Build and run the application: Use Docker Compose to build and start both the backend and the frontend along with the database:
docker compose up --build
Access the application:
- Swagger UI: http://localhost:8080/swagger/index.html
- Frontend: http://localhost:4200
- ASP.NET Core: Provides the framework for building web APIs.
- Entity Framework Core: Simplifies database interactions through an ORM.
- MediatR: Manages request and response communication between components.
- SignalR: Enables real-time web functionality for the messaging feature.
- AutoMapper: Maps objects to simplify data transfer between layers.
- xUnit & Moq: Provides tools for writing unit and integration tests.
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch for your feature or bugfix.
- Commit your changes with meaningful commit messages.
- Push your changes to your fork and create a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
Feel free to modify the sections based on the specific requirements of your project.