Welcome to an App Academy coding project!
Anytime that you open a coding project, run the following command to install dependencies:
npm install
Then, follow the prompts in the block of instructions at the top of every problem file in the /problems folder of the project.
To run your code in a problem file, run the following command in your terminal
and replace <problem-file-name>
with the name of the problem file:
node problems/<problem-file-name>.js
For example, to run the first problem file in the /problems folder, run the following command in your terminal:
node problems/01-console-log.js
To test your code in a problem file with the given test specifications, run the
following command in your terminal and replace <problem-file-name>
with the
name of the problem file:
npm test test/<problem-file-name>-spec.js
For example, to test the first problem file in the /problems folder, run the following command in your terminal:
npm test test/01-console-log-spec.js
You know you are done with this coding project when you get all tests to pass with green check marks in your terminal!
Have fun coding! 😊