This is a Chess game using AngularJS (v4) as client and Spring Boot as server running a Web Socket handler.
The app is deployed here:
The app doesn't have AI so you must send the game's URL to another human being or open in a different browser to test yourself.
Client is a simple AngularJS (v4) app using a raw Web Socket client. Works only on modern browsers.
cd client/
npm install
ng serve
Server is a Spring Boot app with a Web Socket handler. Follow steps to run locally.
cd server/
./gradlew build
./gradlew test -i #to run junit
./gradlew bootRun
Edit index.html changing base href to "/chess" or whatever you deployed. Ignore this if deployed in the root of domain.
cd client/
ng build --prod
cp dist/* [the chess folder in your Apache's www html folder]
Edit to change java memory usage. mvn package will not build if tests fail.
cd server/
mvn package
chmod +x