🚀 Release Notes - Version 0.0.84 (Feb 04, 2024) 🚀
We are thrilled to announce the latest release, packed with exciting enhancements, bug fixes, and organizational improvements. Let's dive into the highlights of this release:
Features & Enhancements:
🛠️ Error Prevention in MTCNN Detector: Resolved a TypeError when running the MTCNN detector on an image with no faces. A condition using short-circuit evaluation has been added to prevent this exception. (#976)
📸 Updated Return Type for Face Detection: Modified the return type of Detector.detect_faces and its inherited classes to improve clarity. Now returning a List[DetectedFace] where DetectedFace includes the detected image, facial area coordinates, and face confidence score. (#978)
📁 API Restructuring: Moved the API under the 'deepface' folder for better organization. Unit tests have been added to ensure the reliability of the API functionalities. (#1004)
🐞 Bug Fix in API Serialization: Resolved the bug causing "Object of type int32 is not JSON serializable" in the API. Converted facial area regions from numpy int32 to Python built-in int. (#1004)
🔄 Facial Area Expansion: Added an 'expand facial area percentage' argument to all functions for greater flexibility. (#990)
🛠️ Code Refactoring and Organization: Retired the 'find target size' function, moving facial recognition model input shapes retrieval to clients. Created a preprocessing module, relocated load image functions, and organized code logic into separate modules. (#990)
🐍 Snake Case for Distance Calculation: Made distance calculation functions snake-cased for consistency. (#990)
📦 Commons Module Refactoring: Retired commons.function in favor of commons.package_utils and commons.version_utils. The logic previously available under function.commons has been moved to the appropriate modules. (#999)
Documentation & Miscellaneous:
📖 Citations Added: Included a citations.md file for easy access to citations and references. (#999)
🧹 Code Cleanup and Restructuring: Distance calculation functions have been moved into the verification module. Version information is now stored in package_info.json. The Postman collection is now located under api/postman. (#999)
We appreciate your continued support and feedback. Please feel free to explore these improvements and let us know if you encounter any issues or have suggestions for further enhancements. Happy coding! 🚀✨