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Sentry is a NodeJS security system. It is divided into separate 3 module:

  • Camera: Connects a webcam to the server
  • Client: The frontend interface for Sentry
  • Server: All clients and cameras connect to the server


The default configs will let you run all three modules on a single machine and play with it.

Camera Module

  • NodeJS
  • OpenCV dependencies
  • Typescript and ts-node
  • pm2 if you would like it to autostart on start up
  • npm install
  • Copy src/config.default.ts to src/config.ts

Raspberry Pi

If you are installing the camera part on a Raspberry Pi:

Install NodeJS

  • wget
  • tar -xzf node-v14.16.0-linux-armv7l.tar.gz
  • sudo cp -r node-v14.16.0-linux-armv7l/* /usr/local/

Typescript and Friends

  • sudo npm install -g typescript ts-node nodemon pm2


You'll need to install the dependencies for OpenCV: sudo apt install cmake build-essential unzip pkg-config libjpeg-dev libpng-dev libtiff-dev libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev libv4l-dev libxvidcore-dev libx264-dev libgtk-3-dev libcanberra-gtk* libatlas-base-dev gfortran libasound2-dev

If you are using a Raspberry Pi camera: sudo modprobe bcm2835-v4l2 Or add bcm2835-v4l2 to /etc/modules

You'll also have to add yourself to the video group (if you want run this as non-root):

sudo usermod -a -G video $USER


  • npm install
  • Copy src/config.default.ts to src/config.ts


  • npm install


npm start in each module:

  • cd camera && npm start
  • cd server && npm start
  • cd clinet && npm start