This is a symfony 4 app example for red-panda-ci software.
I used the submodule ci-script for this test.
Clone the repository with --recursive
option to get the submodule
git clone --recursive
enter to directory red-panda-ci-symfony
cd red-panda-ci-symfony
and copy .env.dist file to .env
cp .env.dist .env
docker-compose up
Open your browser favorite, chrome/firefox by example, and you write:
Then you can see this!
Congratulations!! your application is installed correctly!
First, down the last environment up with Crtl+C
And you write:
And you can see this:
Feature: Symfony 4 to explore BDDfire
Scenario: View Hello World home page # features/bddfire.feature:4
Given I am on "http://nginx" # vendor/ruby/2.5.0/gems/bddfire-2.0.8/lib/bddfire/web/web_steps.rb:2
Then I should see "Hello World" # vendor/ruby/2.5.0/gems/bddfire-2.0.8/lib/bddfire/web/web_steps.rb:10
Scenario: Insert 1000 Products # features/bddfire.feature:8
Given I am on "http://nginx/insert/1000" # vendor/ruby/2.5.0/gems/bddfire-2.0.8/lib/bddfire/web/web_steps.rb:2
Then I should see "1000 inserted" # vendor/ruby/2.5.0/gems/bddfire-2.0.8/lib/bddfire/web/web_steps.rb:10
2 scenarios (2 passed)
4 steps (4 passed)