NOTE: This is a fork of the original django-telegrambot module, it contains updates to new django and ptb versions and features/fixes from contributors. To install this fork run:
pip install -e git+ --upgrade
The full documentation of the original library is at
The latest version to the base repository was v1.0.1, this fork started as a PR for v1.0.2
Install django-telegrambot
pip install -e git+ --upgrade
Add django_telegrambot
in INSTALLED_APPS INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'django_telegrambot', ... ) #Django Telegram Bot settings DJANGO_TELEGRAMBOT = { 'MODE' : 'WEBHOOK', #(Optional [str]) # The default value is WEBHOOK, # otherwise you may use 'POLLING' # NB: if use polling you must provide to run # a management command that starts a worker 'WEBHOOK_SITE' : '', 'WEBHOOK_PREFIX' : '/prefix', # (Optional[str]) # If this value is specified, # a prefix is added to webhook url #'WEBHOOK_CERTIFICATE' : 'cert.pem', # If your site use self-signed #certificate, must be set with location of your public key #certificate.(More info at ) 'STRICT_INIT': True, # If set to True, the server will fail to start if some of the # apps contain files that cannot be successfully # imported. 'DISABLE_SETUP': False, # If set to True, there will be no tries to set webhook or read # updates from the telegram server on app's start # (useful when developing on local machine; makes django's startup faster) 'BOT_MODULE_NAME': 'telegrambot_handlers', #(Optional [str]) # The default name for file name containing telegram handlers which has to be placed inside your local app(s). Default is 'telegrambot'. Example is to put "" file to local app's folder. 'BOTS' : [ { 'ID': 'MainBot', # Unique identifier for your bot (used in your code only) 'TOKEN': '123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11', # Your bots token (provided by botfather) 'CONTEXT': True, # Use context based handler functions (should be true for future versions) #'ALLOWED_UPDATES':(Optional[list[str]]), # List the types of #updates you want your bot to receive. For example, specify #``["message", "edited_channel_post", "callback_query"]`` to #only receive updates of these types. See ``telegram.Update`` #for a complete list of available update types. #Specify an empty list to receive all updates regardless of type #(default). If not specified, the previous setting will be used. #Please note that this parameter doesn't affect updates created #before the call to the setWebhook, so unwanted updates may be #received for a short period of time. #'TIMEOUT':(Optional[int|float]), # If this value is specified, #use it as the read timeout from the server #'WEBHOOK_MAX_CONNECTIONS':(Optional[int]), # Maximum allowed number of #simultaneous HTTPS connections to the webhook for update #delivery, 1-100. Defaults to 40. Use lower values to limit the #load on your bot's server, and higher values to increase your #bot's throughput. # 'MESSAGEQUEUE_ENABLED':(Optinal[bool]), # Make this True if you want to use messagequeue # 'MESSAGEQUEUE_ALL_BURST_LIMIT':(Optional[int]), # If not provided 29 is the default value # 'MESSAGEQUEUE_ALL_TIME_LIMIT_MS':(Optional[int]), # If not provided 1024 is the default value # 'MESSAGEQUEUE_REQUEST_CON_POOL_SIZE':(Optional[int]), # If not provided 8 is the default value #'POLL_INTERVAL' : (Optional[float]), # Time to wait between polling updates from Telegram in #seconds. Default is 0.0 #'POLL_CLEAN':(Optional[bool]), # Whether to clean any pending updates on Telegram servers before #actually starting to poll. Default is False. #'POLL_BOOTSTRAP_RETRIES':(Optional[int]), # Whether the bootstrapping phase of the `Updater` #will retry on failures on the Telegram server. #| < 0 - retry indefinitely #| 0 - no retries (default) #| > 0 - retry up to X times #'POLL_READ_LATENCY':(Optional[float|int]), # Grace time in seconds for receiving the reply from #server. Will be added to the `timeout` value and used as the read timeout from #server (Default: 2). }, # Other bots here with same structure. ], }
Include in your the django_telegrambot.urls urlpatterns = [ ... url(r'^', include('django_telegrambot.urls')), ... ]
Then use it in a project creating a module
in your app
#myapp/ # Example code for module from telegram.ext import CommandHandler, MessageHandler, Filters from django_telegrambot.apps import DjangoTelegramBot import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Define a few command handlers. These usually take the two arguments bot and # update. Error handlers also receive the raised TelegramError object in error. def start(bot, update): bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, text='Hi!') def help(bot, update): bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, text='Help!') def echo(bot, update): bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, text=update.message.text) def error(bot, update, error): logger.warn('Update "%s" caused error "%s"' % (update, error)) def main():"Loading handlers for telegram bot") # Default dispatcher (this is related to the first bot in settings.DJANGO_TELEGRAMBOT['BOTS']) dp = DjangoTelegramBot.dispatcher # To get Dispatcher related to a specific bot # dp = DjangoTelegramBot.getDispatcher('BOT_n_id') #get by bot identifier # dp = DjangoTelegramBot.getDispatcher('BOT_n_token') #get by bot token # dp = DjangoTelegramBot.getDispatcher('BOT_n_username') #get by bot username # on different commands - answer in Telegram dp.add_handler(CommandHandler("start", start)) dp.add_handler(CommandHandler("help", help)) # on noncommand i.e message - echo the message on Telegram dp.add_handler(MessageHandler([Filters.text], echo)) # log all errors dp.add_error_handler(error)
- Support latest django and python-telegram-bot versions
- Support latest telegram bot API
- Optionally skip webhook setup
- Change bots from settings (use personal bot_id instead of registered botname)
Multiple bots
Admin dashboard available at
Polling mode by management command (an easy to way to run bot in local machine, not recommended in production!)
(myenv) $ python botpolling --username=<username_bot>
Supporting messagequeues
NOTE: The tests have not been updated for latest features. See Issue #13
Does the code actually work?
source <YOURVIRTUALENV>/bin/activate (myenv) $ pip install -r requirements-test.txt (myenv) $ python
There a sample application in sampleproject directory. Here is installation instructions:
1. Install requirements with command
pip install -r requirements.txt
2. Copy file as and edit your bot token
cp sampleproject/ sampleproject/ nano sampleproject/
Run Django migrations
python migrate
4. Run server
python runserver
- If WEBHOOK Mode setted go to 8
- If POLLING Mode setted, open in your browser http://localhost/
- Open Django-Telegram Dashboard http://localhost/admin/django-telegrambot and follow instruction to run worker by management command botpolling. Then go to 10
8. To test webhook locally install ngrok application and run command
./ngrok http 8000
- Start a chat with your bot using link avaible in Django-Telegram Dashboard at http://localhost/admin/django-telegrambot
- Python Telegram Bot
- Django
- django-telegrambot