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Chapter 2: Composables

A More Challenging Composable: useRefHistory

In this challenge, you are tasked with creating a useRefHistory composable. This composable should keep up with the history of a reactive ref, have a configurable history length, and expose an undo and a redo function.


The useRefHistory composable should:

  1. take in 2 agruments:
    • source - the ref to keep the history for (required)
    • capacity - a number of how many records to keep in the history before it starts "forgetting" older values (default: Infinity) It could be a raw number, a reactive ref, a computed ref, or a callback function (getter)
  2. return 3 things:
    • history - an array of all past values along with a timestamp of when that value was first set
    • undo - a function that reset's the source value to the last history point
    • redo - a function that does the opposite of undo (only works for values that were undone with the undo function. In other words, redo would only work after an undo)

💡 HINT: You could structure each item within the history array something like this: { value: (past source value), timestamp: 1714595894070}

💡 HINT: Feel free to use TypeScript to make your composable type safe if you'd like. This is NOT required however.

Screenshot of the solution