SimpleDate is a small C++ library that gives you an implementation of Date type in readable format - YYYYMMDD.
It's important when you need to see dates in a debugger without extra converting, logging, printing, etc.
It uses int to store a date. For example, date 26 January 1980 be stored in a number 19800126.
Relational and arithmetic operators have been overloaded and you can compare and assign values using standard operators (= == != >= <= ++ -- += -=).
There are some extra methods for date manipulating, like begin or end of a month, begin or end of a quarter, begin or end of a year.
Get current date
#include "date.h"
Date now = Date::now();
Date date(1980, 12, 31);
Set date
Date date;
date.setDate(1980, 11, 30);
Get year, month, day from date
int year = date.year();
int month = date.month();
int day =;
Get size of a month
int monthSize = Date::monthSize(2018, 2); // 28
Check date
if (date.isValid())
Shift date
date++; // next day
date += 7; // over week
date.shift(0, 1, 0); // shift for 1 month
date.shift(1, 0, 0); // shift for 1 year
date--; // prior day
date.shift(-1,0,0); // shift for -1 year
Begin of a month
date.setDate(1980, 12, 31);
date.monthBegin(); // 31.12.1980 -> 01.12.1980
End of a month
date.setDate(1980, 12, 15);
date.monthEnd(); // 15.12.1980 -> 31.12.1980
Some extra functions
Date date(2010, 8, 25);
date.quarterBegin(); // 01.07.2010
date.quarterEnd(); // 30.09.2010
date.yearBegin(); // 01.01.2010
date.yearEnd(); // 31.12.2010
Interval between 2 dates
Date begin(1980, 1, 1);
Date end(1981, 2, 2);
Date interval = Date::diff(begin, end); // 010101 = 1 year 1 month 1 day
interval = Date::diff(end, begin); // -10101 = -1 year -1 month -1 day
if (interval < 0)
Convert date to string
Date date(2010, 8, 25);
date.toString('-'); // "2010-08-25"