This plugin requires Craft CMS 4.5.0 or later, and PHP 8.0.2 or later.
You can install this plugin from the Plugin Store or with Composer.
Go to the Plugin Store in your project’s Control Panel and search for “Bunny Stream”. Then press “Install”.
Open your terminal and run the following commands:
# go to the project directory
cd /path/to/my-project.test
composer config repositories.craft-bunny-stream git
# tell Composer to load the plugin
composer require serieseight/craft-bunny-stream:v4.x-dev@dev
# tell Craft to install the plugin
./craft plugin/install bunny-stream
By default, the bunny stream video field will output the video's direct play URL.
# Outputs**libraryId**/**videoGuid**
{{ entry.bunnyField }}
You can also get the embed URL using .embedUrl
# Outputs**libraryId**/**videoGuid**
{{ entry.bunnyField.embedUrl }}
You can get the thumbnail URL using .thumbnailUrl
You can get the preview webp URL using .previewUrl
You can also get pre-made embed markup using .embed(options)
# Outputs iframe markup
# Options are optional
{{ entry.bunnyField.embed({
width: "",
height: "",
class: "",
style: "",
responsive: false,
autoplay: false,
preload: false,
loop: false,
muted: false,
controls: false,
}) }}
The full video object returned from the API can also be accessed
{{ entry.bunnyField.dateUploaded }}
{{ entry.bunnyField.views }}
{{ entry.bunnyField.width }}
{{ entry.bunnyField.height }}
# For a full list, see the video object returned from the API in the link above