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[#200] Warnings about files that weren't added to git yet
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
Problem: after 0.2.2 release, xrefcheck cares only about files
that were added to Git. That can be confusing for users (see #200)

If a scannable (currently it means markdown) file is not ignored
(by git or via config) and not tracked by git, print a warning to
stderr while scanning repo.

If a link target such file, change error message from "file not exists"
to `Link target is not tracked by Git`

Suggest user to run "git add" before running xrefcheck in both cases.

To do this, I've changed the `RepoInfo` type, so it also contains
information about untracked files now.
  • Loading branch information
Sorokin-Anton committed Nov 10, 2022
1 parent c45f1ec commit 6ad13ae
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 4 changed files with 150 additions and 40 deletions.
27 changes: 21 additions & 6 deletions src/Xrefcheck/Core.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -122,12 +122,26 @@ makeLenses ''FileInfo
instance Default FileInfo where
def = diffToFileInfo mempty

data FileStatus
= Scanned FileInfo
| NotScannable
-- ^ Files that are not supported by our scanners
| NotAddedToGit
-- ^ We are not scanning files that are not added to git, but we're
-- gathering information about them to improve reports.
deriving stock (Show)

data DirectoryStatus
= TrackedDirectory
| UntrackedDirectory
deriving stock (Show)

-- | All tracked files and directories.
data RepoInfo = RepoInfo
{ riFiles :: Map FilePath (Maybe FileInfo)
-- ^ Files from the repo with `FileInfo` attached to files that we can scan.
, riDirectories :: Set FilePath
-- ^ Tracked directories.
{ riFiles :: Map FilePath FileStatus
-- ^ Files from the repo with `FileInfo` attached to files that we've scanned.
, riDirectories :: Map FilePath DirectoryStatus
-- ^ Directories containing those files.
} deriving stock (Show)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -180,8 +194,9 @@ instance Given ColorMode => Buildable FileInfo where

instance Given ColorMode => Buildable RepoInfo where
build (RepoInfo (nonEmpty . mapMaybe sequence . toPairs -> Just m) _) =
interpolateBlockListF' "" buildFileReport m
build (RepoInfo m _)
| Just scanned <- nonEmpty [(name, info) | (name, Scanned info) <- toPairs m]
= interpolateBlockListF' "" buildFileReport scanned
buildFileReport (name, info) =
Expand Down
75 changes: 57 additions & 18 deletions src/Xrefcheck/Scan.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), genericParseJSON, withText)
import Data.List qualified as L
import Data.Map qualified as M
import Data.Reflection (Given)
import Fmt (Buildable (..))
import Fmt (Buildable (..), blockListF)
import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist)
import System.FilePath
(dropTrailingPathSeparator, equalFilePath, splitDirectories, takeDirectory, takeExtension, (</>))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -153,6 +153,25 @@ readDirectoryWith config scanner root =
then ""
else dropTrailingPathSeparator root

-- | Get files that are not ignored by Git or config, but weren't added to Git yet.
getUntrackedFiles :: ExclusionConfig -> FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
getUntrackedFiles config root =
filter (not . isIgnored)
. map (location </>)
. L.lines
<$> readCreateProcess
(shell "git ls-files --others --exclude-standard"){cwd = Just root} ""
isIgnored :: FilePath -> Bool
isIgnored = matchesGlobPatterns root $ ecIgnore config

-- Strip leading "." and trailing "/"
location :: FilePath
location =
if root `equalFilePath` "."
then ""
else dropTrailingPathSeparator root

:: MonadIO m
=> Rewrite -> FormatsSupport -> ExclusionConfig -> FilePath -> m ScanResult
Expand All @@ -162,14 +181,35 @@ scanRepo rw formatsSupport config root = do
when (not $ isDirectory root) $
die $ "Repository's root does not seem to be a directory: " <> root

(errs, fileInfos) <- liftIO
$ (gatherScanErrs &&& gatherFileInfos)
(errs, trackedFilesWithInfos) <- liftIO
$ (gatherScanErrs &&& gatherFileStatuses)
<$> readDirectoryWith config processFile root

let dirs = fromList $ foldMap (getDirs . fst) fileInfos
untrackedFiles <- liftIO $ getUntrackedFiles config root

let scannableUntrackedFiles = filter (isJust . mscanner) untrackedFiles

unless (null scannableUntrackedFiles) $ hPutStrLn @Text stderr
Those files are not added by Git, so we're not scanning them:
#{blockListF scannableUntrackedFiles}\
Please run "git add" before running xrefcheck.

return . ScanResult errs $ RepoInfo (M.fromList fileInfos) dirs
let trackedDirs = foldMap (getDirs . fst) trackedFilesWithInfos
untrackedDirs = foldMap getDirs untrackedFiles
return . ScanResult errs $ RepoInfo
{ riFiles = M.fromList
$ trackedFilesWithInfos
<> map (,NotAddedToGit) untrackedFiles
, riDirectories = M.fromList
$ map (,TrackedDirectory) trackedDirs
<> map (,UntrackedDirectory) untrackedDirs
mscanner :: FilePath -> Maybe ScanAction
mscanner = formatsSupport . takeExtension

isDirectory :: FilePath -> Bool
isDirectory = readingSystem . doesDirectoryExist

Expand All @@ -178,20 +218,19 @@ scanRepo rw formatsSupport config root = do
getDirs = scanl (</>) "" . splitDirectories . takeDirectory

:: [(FilePath, Maybe (FileInfo, [ScanError]))]
:: [(FilePath, (FileStatus, [ScanError]))]
-> [ScanError]
gatherScanErrs = fold . mapMaybe (fmap snd . snd)

:: [(FilePath, Maybe (FileInfo, [ScanError]))]
-> [(FilePath, Maybe FileInfo)]
gatherFileInfos = map (second (fmap fst))

processFile :: FilePath -> IO $ Maybe (FileInfo, [ScanError])
processFile file = do
let ext = takeExtension file
let mscanner = formatsSupport ext
forM mscanner ($ file)
gatherScanErrs = foldMap (snd . snd)

:: [(FilePath, (FileStatus, [ScanError]))]
-> [(FilePath, FileStatus)]
gatherFileStatuses = map (second fst)

processFile :: FilePath -> IO (FileStatus, [ScanError])
processFile file = case mscanner file of
Nothing -> pure (NotScannable, [])
Just scanner -> scanner file <&> _1 %~ Scanned

-- Yaml instances
Expand Down
48 changes: 32 additions & 16 deletions src/Xrefcheck/Verify.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ instance (Given ColorMode, Buildable a) => Buildable (WithReferenceLoc a) where
data VerifyError
= LocalFileDoesNotExist FilePath
| LocalFileOutsideRepo FilePath
| LinkTargetNotAddedToGit FilePath
| AnchorDoesNotExist Text [Anchor]
| AmbiguousAnchorRef FilePath Text (NonEmpty Anchor)
| ExternalResourceInvalidUri URIBS.URIParseError
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -148,6 +149,14 @@ instance Given ColorMode => Buildable VerifyError where

LinkTargetNotAddedToGit file ->
⛀ Link target is not tracked by Git:
Please run "git add" before running xrefcheck.

AnchorDoesNotExist anchor similar -> case nonEmpty similar of
Nothing ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -296,10 +305,13 @@ verifyRepo
(file, fileInfo) <- M.toList files
guard . not $ matchesGlobPatterns root (ecIgnoreRefsFrom cExclusions) file
case fileInfo of
Just fi -> do
Scanned fi -> do
ref <- _fiReferences fi
return (file, ref)
Nothing -> empty -- no support for such file, can do nothing
NotScannable -> empty -- No support for such file, can do nothing.
NotAddedToGit -> empty -- If this file is scannable, we've notified
-- user that we are scanning only files
-- added to Git while gathering RepoInfo.

progressRef <- newIORef $ initVerifyProgress (map snd toScan)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -449,14 +461,15 @@ verifyReference
checkRef mAnchor referredFile = verifying $
unless (isVirtual referredFile) do
checkReferredFileIsInsideRepo referredFile
checkReferredFileExists referredFile
case lookupFilePath referredFile $ M.toList files of
Nothing -> pass -- no support for such file, can do nothing
Just referredFileInfo -> whenJust mAnchor $
mFileStatus <- tryGetFileStatus referredFile
case mFileStatus of
Right (Scanned referredFileInfo) -> whenJust mAnchor $
checkAnchor referredFile (_fiAnchors referredFileInfo)

lookupFilePath :: FilePath -> [(FilePath, Maybe FileInfo)] -> Maybe FileInfo
lookupFilePath fp = snd <=< find (equalFilePath (expandIndirections fp) . fst)
Right NotScannable -> pass -- no support for such file, can do nothing
Right NotAddedToGit -> throwError (LinkTargetNotAddedToGit referredFile)
Left UntrackedDirectory -> throwError (LinkTargetNotAddedToGit referredFile)
Left TrackedDirectory -> pass -- path leads to directory, currently
-- if such link contain anchor, we ignore it

-- expands ".." and "."
-- expandIndirections "a/b/../c" = "a/c"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -490,18 +503,21 @@ verifyReference
nestingChange "." = 0
nestingChange _ = 1

checkReferredFileExists file = do
unless (fileExists || dirExists) $
throwError (LocalFileDoesNotExist file)
-- Returns `Nothing` when path corresponds to an existing (and tracked) directory
tryGetFileStatus :: FilePath -> ExceptT VerifyError IO (Either DirectoryStatus FileStatus)
tryGetFileStatus file
| Just f <- mFile = return $ Right f
| Just d <- mDir = return $ Left d
| otherwise = throwError (LocalFileDoesNotExist file)
matchesFilePath :: FilePath -> Bool
matchesFilePath = equalFilePath $ expandIndirections file

fileExists :: Bool
fileExists = any matchesFilePath $ M.keys files
mFile :: Maybe FileStatus
mFile = (files M.!) <$> find matchesFilePath (M.keys files)

dirExists :: Bool
dirExists = any matchesFilePath dirs
mDir :: Maybe DirectoryStatus
mDir = (dirs M.!) <$> find matchesFilePath (M.keys dirs)

checkAnchor file fileAnchors anchor = do
checkAnchorReferenceAmbiguity file fileAnchors anchor
Expand Down
40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions tests/golden/check-git/check-git.bats
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,16 @@ load '../helpers'

run xrefcheck


assert_output --partial "All repository links are valid."

# this is printed to stderr
assert_output --partial - <<EOF
Those files are not added by Git, so we're not scanning them:
Please run "git add" before running xrefcheck.

@test "Git: file tracked, check failure" {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,3 +64,34 @@ load '../helpers'
Invalid references dumped, 1 in total.

@test "Git: link to untracked file, check failure" {

git init

echo "[a](./" >> ""

touch ./

git add

to_temp xrefcheck

assert_diff - <<EOF
=== Invalid references found ===
➥ In file
bad reference (relative) at src:1:1-11:
- text: "a"
- link: ./
- anchor: -
⛀ Link target is not tracked by Git:
Please run "git add" before running xrefcheck.
Invalid references dumped, 1 in total.

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